We tell you regularly on SFR Actus, cybersecurity is something essential, and it must be ensured for all your connections.Especially with regard to WiFi.When connecting your devices (computers, smartphones, tablets, consoles...) in domestic wifi, you have probably noticed that certain terms appeared.The status (connected or not), the signal intensity, the connection speed, the frequency, but also the type of encryption.This is where we will be able to find the famous WEP, WPA and WPA 2 keys.Explanation.

Profitez du meilleur WiFi grâce à la SFR Box 8

To popularize, WiFi is therefore a wireless connection to the Internet, allowing connected devices to receive the data issued by your box.It is of course inconceivable to leave this data free as air, allowing anyone close to being able to connect.This is why different types of security are set up, starting with the password, which appears on the box, and which you can personalize later.This code is generally called "WiFi safety key", and the data issued is naturally encrypted.This is where we find the WEP, WPA and WPA 2 keys, which are forms of encryption protocols.

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy): let's say it right away, this key is to be avoided, because it is the most vulnerable in terms of security.This protocol has existed since 1999, and its flaws make it increasingly rare, but can however be used still.Theoretically, it uses an algorithm to make a wireless connection as secure as a wired connection, but many attacks in the early 2000s have proven its great fragility.Again, the WEP being far from being the most reliable, it is more than advisable to abandon it in favor of WPA, which is normally the most widespread currently.

Quelles différences entre les clés WEP, WPA et WPA2 ?

WPA (Wifi Protected Access) and WPA 2: Since 2003, this protocol, which is therefore in its second version (WPA 2), has been established to replace the WPE.The methodology is different, offering additional security, in particular using the famous authenticaiton via a hexadecimal key to 64 digits, or an authentication code from 8 to 63 characters.Today is the standard protocol, and normally the one you can find on your domestic wifi connection.

To check which key uses your wifi connection, go to the WiFi menu of your smartphone, tablet or computer.Selected your domestic connection, in order to reveal the information about it.The last line concerns the type of encryption.Normally, it is on this line that you must find the mention WPA, potentially followed by other letters, like PSK.It should be noted that on the SFR boxes, only WPA is used, and that WPA 2 is of course even more secure.

For a 100% secure connection, find all the box and wifi offers on the SFR online store.

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Sources: WayTolearnx, Passtech

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