37 years after the release of Steven Spielberg's masterpiece, the alien who has marked an entire generation is returning to Earth. We weren't expecting him anymore, but E.T. finally got a sequel. Well, almost, since it's just an ad for the American operator Xfinity of Comcast.
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The 4-minute film depicts E.T. coming back to earth to find his friend. There is little Eliott (Henry Thomas), but in nearly forty years, the boy has founded a perfect American family with two children. They are the ones who discover the alien hidden behind a snowman, before their father comes to kiss him, and introduce him to his family. In a few minutes, Eliott's children relive almost the same scenes as in the 1982 film. They all dine together, E.T. makes a faded bouquet blossom, he rides a bicycle with the children, not forgetting to place Xfinity's product, television and above all the Internet that brings together those who love each other.
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The most nostalgic will regret that it is only a 4-minute commercial film, but unlike many sequels, it does not betray the original work.
Steven Spielberg has given up writing a suite of E.T. However, the Polygon website reveals that the director had started writing one in the summer of 1982, when the film was breaking entry records. However, in a style quite different from the original one, however. The script that can be consulted online depicts a race of albino aliens of the same species as E.T., but at war with his people. They are carnivorous, they can paralyze the animals to capture them, etc. So the film will not have a follow-up, and it is certainly better that way.
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Source: YouTube
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