This will not have escaped you, the story of Sosh is recent and is uninstated to that of Orange, which has somehow defending itself in the face of the arrival of low-cost mobile packages initiated by Xavier Niels with free.Bought by France Telecom during the internet bubble period, in the 2000s, Orange gradually replaced the historic operator via a complete rebranding.The youngest do not know how to be today, but Orange is none other than the former public operator in France, the same one who helped develop the French telecommunications industry.Responding to the competition of telecommunications services via a European directive, France Telecom was born on the ashes of the Directorate General of Telecommunications in 1988, then became an autonomous operator and then an anonymous company whose only shareholder is the State.After a succession of change, France Telecom takes the name of Orange in 2013 and competes with two other key players on the mobile market: SFR and Bouygues Telecom.
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