Re -registration for social security, search for housing, reintegration of children in the French school system...The stages, returning to France, are numerous and require patience and organization.To better visualize the steps to take, a return simulator born in February 2016, following the report by senator Hélène Conway-Mouret, made a good reputation fairly quickly.

After a questionnaire, expatriates wishing to return to France access individualized information according to their professional and family situation.A retro-planning is thus offered to them."This is a first good news," says Agnès Brouhard, former expatriate who lived in Washington and Brussels.This one, which is a member of France Return Home, is delighted to have been consulted during the development of the report by Hélène Conway-Mouret."We tried to relay the problems, all that is administrative in particular.If the assessment is not completely positive, the old expatriate prefers to see the glass half full:

■ Social protection

According to Humanis, a group specializing in social protection, only 29% of French people from abroad are prepared for the risk of emergency return.However, an unexpected repatriation may be possible.More generally, the problem of social protection is important for French people from abroad.The return, like the departure, is preparing in advance."It is better to prepare and secure your return.Reflect upstream of social protection for which we opt, "specifies Sylvaine Emery, director of international activities at Humanis.Elodie Duzz, expatriate returned to France before leaving, adds: "From her departure, you have to take a good mutual.An approach of which those leaving via their business do not need to worry but which can still be useful for many expatriates.

■ Take a little time to resettle

When you get home, you may be looking forward to reintegrating in everyday life.Which often involves finding a job.However, former expatriates returned to France are several to estimate that an adaptation time is necessary to allow a smooth transition.Alexandra Schneider, having led her career for 13 years in Asia, granted himself for several months of reflection.She took the opportunity to take a little tour of Europe before reinstalling herself in France.

Revenir en France : les anciens expatriés livrent leurs conseils (2/5)

Finally, it will be for France that she will opt, with a professional retraining project, prepared for several months.The council is the same for Françoise Chauvet, having lived 8 years in Italy then in Hong Kong."You have to take your time.Personally, I didn't want to immediately find a job.»»

■ Information, in particular with associations

It may seem very commonplace but obviously, you have to learn about the return.Besides the simulator, mentioned above, do not hesitate to vary the sources.Many groups on social networks have developed so that the former expatriates share their reflections, their advice.Varying the testimonies makes it possible to obtain a wider vision.And if, many institutional sites provide information on the return, former expatriates via associations for the return to France also make very good sources of advice.Without being exhaustive, we can cite some.The Union of the French of the Stranger (UFE), the oldest association fulfilling this objective, accompanies expatriates in the different stages, their departure, when they return.It is represented in 170 places in the world.The International Federation of French and Francophones of Expatriates (FIAFE), a vast network, which has become a reference for French people from abroad, brings together 220 receptions in 90 countries.There too, the association guides and informs expatriates.France Return Home is also present to distribute advice upstream but, above all, organize events in order to bring together a maximum of former expatriates returned in France.

And if these aids are volunteers, we can also opt for organizations offering their services for the return process, also allowing coaching but also administrative work etc. Des sortes de « box»» tout compris.

■ think carefully...Before a new start?

There too, it is a advice that seems to flow from the source.The former expatriates are however unanimous: a return to France is preparing and must be reflected. A l'image d'Alexandra Schneider, qui, à son premier retour, s'est finalement rendue compte sur place qu'elle n'était prête à revenir en France, touchée par une sorte de « mal de pays»» : « De plus en plus, la France n'était pas 'la maison'.»» L'expatriation peut devenir un virus.Individuals having expatriated are often called upon to leave.Elodie Duzz, part with her spouse for the first time in the United Kingdom, did not focus in France after a first return.As a couple, they moved to Switzerland and then to Ireland. « Le côté 'british' nous manquait»», estime-t-elle.Today, they plan to return to France...To leave next, maybe in Canada.

Before returning, Elodie repeats it: "You really have to ask the question.To weigh the pros and cons.Expatriate, it's not like going on vacation.»»

> Lire aussi : Retour des expatriés : « Je suis partie pour mieux revenir»»

■ See the return, as a new expatriation

For former expatriates, the return is not an end in itself.Often this marks the start of a new adventure, personal or professional.The process can be unstimated that can be disturbing.To facilitate the transition, some can count on a place that serves them as a refuge: a family home in which they have used to go for several years for example.This is the case for Sabine de la Villemarqué, family who has family in China then in the United States.If her three children have never lived in France, they have always stayed during the holidays in a small house by the sea.

Another little advice she delivers: the return to France must be apprehended as a new expatriation, as an additional step.Thus, she intends to visit France, in the manner of a foreign country, rediscover it in a way, as could do expatriates just landed.

> Lire aussi : Le retour, loin d'être une fin en soi, une « expatriation à l'envers»»

Audrey Fisne

8 minutes

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