Parliament has definitively adopted a new law against hacking.The High Authority for the dissemination of works and the protection of rights on the Internet, better known under its acronym Hadopi, will leave its place to the Authority for the Regulation of Audiovisual and Digital Communication (Arcom), a new authority on the surface of'as much greater as it also includes the CSA, the audiovisual regulator.

If the law will keep the concept of graduated response, it will no longer be limited to monitoring peer-to-peer networks, abandoned for the benefit of direct download or streaming sites.This text contains several more suitable measures to track the hacking of 2021.

The first job of the authority will be to create a black list of pirate sites which will be communicated to internet access providers and search engines, so that they are no longer referenced.The mirror addresses are also in the viewfinder of the Arcom, which can "ask any operator of search engine, directory or other SEO service to put an end to the referencing of electronic addresses giving access to these services".In other words, Google and its competitors (Yahoo, DuckduckGo ETC.) will have to get in step.

Piratage : Hadopi laisse place à l'Arcom et fusionne avec le CSA | MacGeneration

The state also targets hacking in sport and IPTV, illegal TV channel bouquets.The illegal streaming of sports competitions has been greatly democratized in recent years due to the multiplication of subscription offers.Arcom agents will be able to go to the field and pretend to be hacked in order to better monitor how it all goes.They will have the right to participate in electronic exchanges, to study the organization of hacking, and download or view the competitions illegally broadcast.

If at the time the Hadopi had been mocked, it must be admitted that the device succeeded in one thing: to pass the average pirates of the peer-to-peer to streaming and direct download!The trend was then breathless with the arrival of the first legal offers.

From now on, faced with the proliferation of platforms and services, some users have once again turned to the internet illegal interlope to take advantage of the content they like.With confinements, hacking made a shattering return.It remains to be seen whether this law will be technologically effective, because Hadopi has shown that hackers always find a way to adapt.

It is not the big evening for the opponents of the Hadopi

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