In some cases, you would like your phone number not to appear on the screen of your correspondent.There are several methods for this.There are several methods.Some are temporary, while others are permanent.Some are selective and other unilateral.Here's how to activate them.

More than twenty years ago (in 1997 precisely), a practical function appeared in fixed and mobile telephony: the presentation of the number.This is a function that has become very common today that allows you to display the correspondent on the screen.Of course, this means that your correspondent knows what your number is when you call it (and vice versa).Thanks to this function, the name of your contacts is displayed when they call you.

Read also: Android: how to modify or delete the PIN code of your smartphone

At the same time, to protect those who do not wish to reveal their phone number, it is possible to hide it so that it does not appear, even those who have your number.What then appears on the correspondent's screen is the following mention: "masked number".Several methods are possible to achieve this result.Find another guide in our columns to block certain numbers, including masked numbers.

Note that blocking a number does not work if the number is hidden and that some users systematically block masked numbers.Last remark on this tool, hiding your number is impossible with certain services, such as firefighters or Samu.

How to call by masking your number?

PhonAndroid Comment masquer son numéro de téléphone mobile

There are several methods to hide a number.There are those temporary for use from time to time.Others are permanent and will block the display of your number during all your calls.During this tutorial, we will assume that you want to call 0123456789.

Block the display temporarily with a character string

The first method, which is temporary and to be reiterated for each call concerned, consists in entering a character chain before the number.

This character channel is # 31 # from a mobile phone.So you type #31 #0123456789 to call the number of our example.It works with all numbers (except exceptions as mentioned above), all phones and all operators.

The character chain is different on a landline phone.If you call from an orange or SFR line, you must compose 3651.If you call from a Bouygues Telecom line, the code to hide the number is *1651.If you hold a free fixed line, the character chain is *31 *.

Block the display permanently with a character string

Here is the first method to block the display of your number.It consists as the previous one in grasping a chain of character.This time, it must be seized alone, without being followed by the number of a correspondent.It does not depend on your operator.

The character string to be grasped from a fixed line: *31#.To deactivate the hidden call, you must then enter #31 #.And to check if the service is active, enter *#31#.Please note, there is no equivalent in mobile telephony.

Block the display through the customer area

You can do the blocking at the operator level for a fixed line.In this case, you must connect to your customer area.Go to the fixed telephone section, then on the management options of your line.Finally, select the "Hide the number" or "incognito call" option, according to the operator's name.

Block the display with an Android smartphone

Android incorporates a function to permanently block the display of your number.This function does not depend on the operator and remains active, even after changing the SIM card.The function is usually found in the phone application settings.

Block the display with an iOS smartphone

iOS also incorporates a function to permanently block the display of your number.This function does not depend here either on the operator and remains active, even after changing the SIM card.

Block the display with a phone feature

Most feature phone also include a function in the configuration menu to permanently hide the call number.You will find this adjustment in the part dedicated to calls in the setting menu of your mobile.

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