All new cars will have a mandatory speed limiter from July 2022. New European legislation will indeed force manufacturers to integrate a control system against speeding.
From July 2022, all new cars sold in the European Union will be equipped with a mandatory speed limiter. This Wednesday, November 17, a European regulation requiring the integration of an Intelligent Speed Adaptation (AIV) system was officially adopted.
Initially (July 2022), only new car models (cars, utility vehicles and heavy goods vehicles) will have to carry this control system. But, from July 2024, all vehicles leaving the production lines will be equipped with this system. Unsurprisingly, the legislation gives manufacturers time to apply its requirements and comply.
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This mandatory system obviously aims to put an end to speeding. In concrete terms, the Intelligent Speed Adaptation will constantly monitor the speed of the vehicle and the maximum authorized speed on the road taken. For this, the car will be equipped with an intelligent camera capable of reading the panels and a geolocation tool. Depending on the location of the car, the system will determine the maximum allowed speed.
“To guarantee an optimal level of performance, we are moving towards a merger between the cameras and the mapping system”, explains Fabrice Herveleu, expert in active safety and vehicle automation, to our colleagues from Caradisiac. With this in mind, the firm TomTom has developed the Virtual Horizon software. This software is able to exploit the cartographic data. “The software takes the map content and translates that data into actionable information for AIV,” says Vincent Martinier, TomTom's Marketing Director for France.
In case of violation of the maximum authorized speed, the car will issue visual and audible warnings. If the driver does not decelerate, the system will reduce the power available and make it more difficult to use the pedal. Clearly, it will be necessary to press much harder on the mushroom to continue to accelerate. According to the text of the law, the clamping system can indeed be ignored. “It will always be possible not to obey these injunctions, the driver will remain master on board”, reassures the expert Fabrice Herveleu. Note that it will also be possible to deactivate the system, but only when the car is started.
Source: Caradisiac
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