Since this morning, orange services have not been working properly.If you have a subscriber to the operator, you certainly encounter problems to send or receive emails, or to connect to your customer account.
Orange subscribers have been concerned for about 10 am this Thursday morning to use their mailbox, while others encounter difficulties with their ADSL connection.The origin of the breakdown is currently unknown, and the operator has only indicated on his Twitter account that his teams were fully mobilized to restore the services.
There are more and more complaints on the DowndeTector website, which lists in real time the anomalies and breakdowns that impact certain services.We can thus see on the platform that "user reports indicate problems at Orange".And the most reported incidents on DowndeTector correspond to 86% emails, the Internet fixed at 10% and the 4% website.
"Unable to connect to Orange messaging, whatever access: mobile or computer" indicates for example a surfer on the platform.Others even explain that their adsl connection "makes the yoyo".We also notice a big peak since the start of the afternoon on the platform.The subscribers are located in big cities like Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Nantes, Rennes, Toulouse or even Lille and Marseille.
For its part, Orange has for the moment indicated on Twitter that its subscribers can "meet disturbances on the sending / reception of emails on orange messaging as well as connection to the customer account to Orange.Fr ".The historic operator also explains that its teams "are fully mobilized to restore services" and apologizes for the inconvenience caused.
Il va certainement encore falloir faire preuve de patience car aucune heure spécifique n’a été communiquée pour un retour à la normale.
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