Posted at 5:39 p.m. 212
Where is Fr. Zanotti-Sorkin going? The soap opera, with press releases, keeps some Catholics spellbound. It annoys others. This priest with successful books decided to leave the diocese of Marseilles, and announced, before having to give it up, to settle as a penitentiary in the chapel of rue du Bac, in Paris. Obedience to the bishop "The affair " Zanotti Sorkine takes on a particular dimension, while this Sunday, June 29, feast of Saints Peter and Paul, the Catholic Church has just celebrated a hundred ordinations of new priests, all of whom have promised their bishop "obedience and respect ". Behind it is the issue of obedience in the Church, faced with an ultra-mediatised society, always on the lookout for charismatic personalities. beautiful pastoral work in his church in Marseilles, decided to take a sabbatical year, in agreement with his bishop, is in itself nothing scandalous. Hundreds of priests do it every year. More curious, the way in which this is announced, by press officer, with a press release specifying that it is a decision taken by the priest alone, to which his bishop, Mgr Pontier "surrendered", thus giving the feeling that Fr. Zanotti alone decides on his priestly life. The diocese of Paris, where he was to go, was also faced with a fait accompli. Fr. Zorkine is indeed also a writer, and his books have enjoyed real success, which has gradually built up a certain media image for him. Just like Fr. Patrice Gourrier, who made the defense of Jérôme Kerviel, the former trader, his own fight – without taking into account the opinion of his bishop. Both are today in a logic that seems more concerned with following their personal aspirations than with responding to the pastoral needs of their diocese. The meaning of ordination After all, this is only the logic of our society, and nothing more banal, basically. Except that these two men are priests. And that they made a promise of obedience during their priestly ordination. Obedience to the bishop is not only obedience to a man, nor to a higher hierarchical level. It is sacramental. It marks the fact that the priest places his life, through his bishop, at the service of the Church of his diocese. And that his commitment to follow Christ can only be understood in communion with that Church. Does such a commitment to obedience still have any meaning, in 2014? And what does the Church want to signify to society, today, through him? A question of obedience, therefore, but also perhaps of freedom. Not that vis-à-vis the bishop, but the more complex one that one can have vis-à-vis oneself.Isabelle de Gaulmyn
Isabelle de Gaulmyn
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- Written by Thierry | The
Father Zanotti made a mass for the death of my mother in 2013, I must say that he is wonderful, with a sense of the right word, a rarely seen empathy, a special being, who carries and carries and allows us a greater connection with the divine.
Thank you
Reply ↓ - Written by Louise | The
Decree of the dissolution of the Fraternity of the Holy Apostles by Mgr de Kesselle 15 July 2016 fraternite-des-saints-apotres-par-mgr-de-kesel-et-mgr-kockerols-auxiliaire.html And the Fraternity of the Holy Apostles moved to Bayonne:
Reply ↓ - Written by Jean-Pierre Gosset | The
Time has passed … has the scandalous discord aroused -unbeknownst to him?- by this priest swelled? have they diminished? Distinguishing the guru from the good master is necessarily difficult. The point from which one sees, where one lives, the moment, matter a lot depending on – whether the relationship is direct with the person, there are some on this blog, – the responsibility (bishops concerned, journalist), – each with their sensitivity their life experience, … like most on this blog. A form of response to this “scandalous discord” was published in 2016 (media press info *) in an article ** from which the following excerpt indicates clearly the visceral rejection of Pope Francis and those who appreciate him. here is that the Society of the too conservative Father Michel-Marie Zanotti-Sorkin sees itself torn up by a homosexualist bishop of a very Bergoglian line. »* Media initiated by Civitas whose articles, when they are signed, are signed by pseudonyms!** the article of 06/15/2016, unsigned.
Reply ↓ - Written by minouche | The
I will only say one word: T E R C I Thank you to this holy priest who knew how to revive my faith as a great titan and make Jesus and His holy mother (who is our Heavenly Mother) discover and love them to so many unbelievers. !He is the representative of Jesus on our earth and, like Jesus, he is surrounded by “Judas”…Let us pray for him.
Reply ↓ - Written by Violin | The
Bonjour Isabelleyou will be able to see Father Michel Marie at work in person if you attend his conference which he will give at the Church of Saint Sulpice in Paris. This conference is organized by the Procure bookstore and Robert Lafont editions. The very ostentatious poster announces that this conference will be accompanied by a string quartet. The word “trump heart” makes for a catchy and provocative mix! We expect to see a game of “liar poker”! I agree with the comments posted by Martin and Jeanne. /2016/03/messe-et-conference-sur-la-misericorde-du-pere-zanotti-sorkineThe underside of the cards: and-the-hidden-symbolism-of-card-games
Reply ↓ - Written by ledad | The
A top of the class proud of him…is that abnormal? The last ones who are jealous of him…is this abnormal? What is even more so is that the institution and La Croix implicitly value the latter. The time when you only had to see one head is over and diversity is a source of wealth. A Jesuit is not a Franciscan. Do not be surprised to have empty churches or full of gray heads. Do not be surprised to have a priest who takes care of ten steeples...see more. Our Church is dusty and sad, which explains the desertion of our young people and the “outburst” of Father Zanotti. History shows us that the Institution is not always right. Thank God living communities like that of Father Zanotti exist, but they are rare. Kudos to him.
Reply ↓ - Written by dubroeucq | The
I remember from Father Zanotti that he filled his church in Marseille by being present in his church from the morning and the same every evening and that he confesses every day. he teaches us that the role of the laity is to lead souls, our brothers to the priest through the sacrament of confession. and it is up to the priest to guide the soul to the Eucharist. But today in 80% of the churches in France we no longer confess. We do the administration. Father Zanotti, like many priests in work clothes (the cassock) as he says so well to be seen by the public, is a man of God and a man of the field. he confesses, does not wait to baptize and remains present both in his church and in the field. He affirms that in the situation of the church the clergy bears a heavy responsibility for the desacralization, the trivialization of the mass. Yes, we recognize the tree by its fruits. Everyone has their role in the church through prayer and charity. But never in 40 years has the church destroyed its liturgical heritage so much and tomorrow what will remain of our religious buildings that even bishops allow to be demolished when these were built by donations and offerings from Christian families.
Reply ↓ - Written by Chantal | Le
When we read you Madam we wonder if La Croix is still a Christian newspaper….I have just returned from Notre Dame du Laus where Father Zanotti was present….he knew how to give us back spiritual strength revitalize our faith to lead us at confession without forgetting his homilies and his conference on Saint-Antoine de Padoue. Madame go to one of his masses before discrediting Father Zanotti.
Reply ↓ - Written by Elisabeth | The
A second year at Laus (2015/2016) for Father MM.Zanotti Sorkine: a presence every other month.. du-laus-detail-de-larticle/news/pere-michel-marie-zanotti-sorkine-a-new-year-at-the-service-of-the-sanctuary.html
Reply ↓ - Written by pascal guillot |
to JeanneI don't see how the fact that this priest is programming a concert would be disturbing. What seems disturbing is rather the infantile aspect of the liturgies with childish songs, "animators" behind microphones... And there, no one said anything. Bayard presse sells its sheets and CDs like American chains of sugary drinks and big sandwiches!
Reply ↓ - Written by jeanne |
Thank you Martin for your comment and your discernment, it's very rare concerning Father zz, I feel less alone
Reply ↓ - Written by Le Roy | The
This institution, which is leaking from all sides, allows itself the luxury of putting up quality priests who fill their churches when most of the others are emptying out or only welcoming a handful of old people! It makes no sense. I rubbed shoulders with an identical personality, same background as Father Zanotti. He knew how to communicate his faith and revitalize us after each mass, it was extraordinary! Attendance made up of young people, all enthusiastic. His bishop did everything to muzzle him, but more was needed to discourage him; he also ended up on a siding. But what do all these old people want who have largely participated in the desacralization that man needs to transcend himself and access the divine. My son baptizes his little boy on Sunday, he warned me of the indigence of the office, too bad That our abbot had left us would have been an event that would have marked our family forever.
Reply ↓ - Written by Wire | The
I attended a mass in Marseille by Father ZANOTTI SORKINE. I have never seen such an engaging mass. The intervention of the father was very interesting and does not leave insensitive. This father does not count the hours just like the Holy Curé of ARS that the priests take example on him!!!!! This father sent me very very comforting messages during the death of my mother!!!! thank you father ZANOTTI for your infinite help thank you!!!! This father demonstrates day by day the infinite love that lives in him! May he serve as an example to all priests!!!! God bless him
Reply ↓ - Written by chatillonss | The
hello my paragraph I took a while to write it :)
Reply ↓ - Written by merlin | The
Once you know that Mme de Gaulmyin is a journalist at La Croix, you shouldn't be surprised!
Reply ↓ - Written by Bailly | The
I THANK SOME WHO SAY MORE THAN I CAN SAY. Those of the end of August (from August 13 to 30) I am wholeheartedly with them and in my Convent, I pray for all of them.
Reply ↓ - Written by Bailly | The
After this list of comments, I dare mine which is “on the side” of those who receive from Father Michel Zanotti, a testimony of spiritual strength. I have read several of his books and I make them known to my relatives. God needs priests who have his qualities and others too. There is room for everyone. The world is fortunate to have the opportunity today to listen to each other. Let us choose those who make us live a renewal of our Faith and our Love of Neighbour. I see that Pope Francis, in his own way, is also a man who allows books, his writings, his words, his gestures to be distributed... Sister Emmanuelle, a nun, did the same. Leave Father Zanotti to us! And you who blame him, reflect and live the Love of Christ, it will help us.
Reply ↓ - Written by OLIVIER-VIAL | The
Hello, I am not a Catholic. However, I was going to attend, as an emotional spectator, the preachings of Father MMZS – in the so-called Reformed Church, in Marseille. With joy. My pleasure. With, perhaps, a hint of faith awakened by this man.I regret it.Best regards, Franck.I
Reply ↓ - Written by François | The
Thank you, Madame de Gaulmyn! priest, I hesitated since my appointment in a new parish to re-subscribe to La Croix, and you helped me to make my decision: it will be no and no! At the time of the New Evangelization, it is advisable not to risk extinguishing the smoking wick! When will the newspaper “La Croix” be worried about not risking “putting the light under a bushel” with such articles which so lightly discredit ardent workers of the Gospel? So what is your goal? So what are you serving? I am seriously asking the question!
Reply ↓ - Written by Alexandra | The
The homily of Bishop Rey for the 30th anniversary of the seminary of Castile helps us to understand his refusal to continue with the seminarians of Father MMZS.The refusals of Bishop Pontier, the Apostolic Nuncio and Father Aillet to lead the Fraternity of the Holy Apostles also make us reflect on the question of obedience and the why? to his own ministry. », the charter and the directory of the Fraternity of the Holy Apostles do not find the same echo with the code of pastoral discipline of the seminary of Castile. The Fraternity of the Holy Apostles, founded on April 7, 2013 by Bishop Léonard, inspired by Father MMZS is a priestly work, of which here is the charter which seems to be written by Father MMZS, his motto: "I made myself everything to everyone, to save it at all costs a few”. When one reads this charter attentively, followed by the directory, one realizes that this human, biblical, doctrinal, ascetic, mystical, liturgical and pastoral formation does not require the same aspects as that of Castile. The Fraternity of the Holy Apostles:!/notre-charte/Charte and directory make up this “priestly work” and you have to read all the content to appreciate the requirements that require great personal charisma of the priest to attract souls. However, let us note in the chapter "By the quality and the beauty of the liturgical offices offered to the faithful": The holy liturgy, divine theater (?), must not suffer from any form of improvisation. The sacredness it requires must be served by a staging (?) aiming to magnify the rite so that it reaches the whole of the human person and incorporates it into the Mystery being celebrated”. other points are mentioned leaving no room for another scenario for the mystery of the divine elevation of souls. We find point by point all these demanding preparations of the pure and the beautiful in a style which wants to be perfect and which made the success of Father MMZS. His arrival at ND du Laus 10 days a month as confessor of sinners sounds like a reductive function so as not to create a certain fanaticism around his person who has become very charismatic as a result.
Reply ↓ - Written by therese | The
Good, well now let’s all pray that the spirits calm down…. Let us ask Our Lady of Laus to help Father Zanotti Sorkine to let herself be guided by Her. more space than rue du Bac! Notice to amateurs, the area is S U P E R B E, Marie is waiting for us!
Reply ↓ - Written by Elisabeth | The Père MMZS is appointed chaplain to Notre Dame du Laus. Bishop Di Falco of Gap and Embrun has accepted him into his diocese and he will be in charge of apostolic projects outside the diocese.
Reply ↓ - Written by Alexandra | The
The diocese of Marseilles published the text which speaks of the appointment of Father MMZS: “At his request, Father MMZS is authorized to practice outside the diocese for one year. »
Reply ↓ - Written by Bo |
Had you borne as much fruit as this priest and had you given yourselves body and soul to announce Christ as he tirelessly did, your article would remain illegitimate and out of place. To speak on rumors, to ignore the immense work of evangelization of Father Michel-Marie for a decade, it is unfair, useless and very unprofessional (in case you are a journalist). No, he is not a guru who preaches for his church, but his love for Christ above all brings Christ and his mother closer. I know what I mean…
Reply ↓ - Written by avedikian | The
It may be necessary to pray to Our Lady who unties the knots; The Lord knows who has internal knots; He asks us to pray, not to judge, to remember that all saints have gone through an ordeal that their obedience makes them saints; We are all invited to live and prove that his teaching will bear fruit, provided we live as a true disciple of Jesus, and remember that the disciple is not above the Master. We must have suffered through the Church to be able to say that we love ' Church. Saint Padre Pio enlightened those who wanted to be enlightened by warning that all worry comes from Bluebeard, as he calls the demon. Let us imitate Jesus, as Father Zanotti wanted to imitate him and lead us to love the Lord and all our neighbors without any distinction.
Reply ↓ - Written by a du besset | The
When you read all these comments it is distressing for the Church of God. Why not respect everyone's opinions……. if what this priest does comes from God, it will remain, what is of human pride and glory will disappear. Those who found in him an envoy of God that they give thanks and the others who were wounded by him that they pray for him…..I do not see the work of God in such an unleashing of passions and attacks. Besides, he doesn't need to be defended by anyone, because he gave his life to God and He will defend him, and if he really is the holy man that many say he is, he will rejoice. even to be accused unjustly because he the Kingdom of God will belong to him. What happens between his bishop and him is nobody's problem, it seems to me?
Reply ↓ - Written by Marie Hélène Monnot | The
I am very sad to see that this loan that I discovered during a television interview is worried in any way. After that evening, I thought with enthusiasm: "Finally, a priest who seems to have understood what we are all waiting for, a priest who is charismatic (as is necessary in our time of communication, of hectic pace), a priest who is not boring, mumbling, soporific but who cries out his faith, his enthusiasm and wants to lead us all with him in the love of each other towards Jesus. “Since then, I followed these homilies on the internet (not being at all from Marseille) and I planned to go there to see in situ this character, colorful but so friendly and endearing. I no longer go to mass for years being too disappointed and never finding the comfort that I came to seek there. Of course the sacrament of Communion is irreplaceable but how many people (I know so many) are like me. Christmas, Easter, we do the minimum and we regret. We would like to be more assiduous. There, we have a unifying priest, modern, full of love and good will and since he does not go through the caudine forks of the church (which still does not seem to have any project plan or a communication plan to counter this disaffection), as the children would say, "we make him miserable"...Instead of praising the sky for sending us this man. It's lamentable, demotivating and I hope that the father Michel Marie will rise from his ashes like the phoenix and that he will have even more followers after him (followers as we say today) because we already miss him….
Reply ↓ - Written by Dega | The
So … After all these testimonies …. When are you going to meet this so-called “disturbing” priest for an interview and give him the floor in your articles? Instead of commenting, ask him to meet him to find out the truth……….. And above all to tell it this truth…!
Reply ↓ - Written by kate |
Remaining humble when you have so much success is difficult.Let's not argue and pray that Father Zanotti-Zorkine finds the path of obedience like Jesus.. Pray a lot that he understands what his true path is so let pride not be an obstacle
Reply ↓ - Written by Vialle | The
Yes, you just have to pray that MMZS will one day be recognized by its own church for its true value... How sad, at the time of Pope Francis who sends us to love "at the borders". All those who know Father MMZS know that he is in obedience, does not listen to himself, only scrutinizes the will of God which he tries to apply as well as possible. Comparing the holy obedience and the silent mediocrity of some will not wake up our church… We must know how to look at the apostles of today with an open mind and above all love, not to act like the high priests with Jesus. It is easy to see that most “Reformed” parishioners are not manipulable people, but people who know what they are talking about, and with a solid faith, nourished by spiritual homilies putting Christ at the center. How sad not to know how to welcome priests, or even atypical Catholics who enrich the Church and can generally make God known more easily to atheists! Why when a priest becomes known, do the "strangers" need to say that they are "holier" than him, more obedient??? It is little. Nobody blames them for not being publicized… to each his own vocation, his charism… It is this diversity that makes the humanity of God… Surely this ordeal is part of the Cross of Father MMZS… Being confronted with jealousy and to the incomprehension of the bishops… If he could go directly to see the Pope…!!!!
Reply ↓ - Written by mamiesoleil | The
MMZS is a curé d'Ars current version, plus 1 business man and still plus 1 star like JP II Thank you MARY thank you JESUS for giving it to us, our grandchildren need it, I was waiting for it , I hoped. He is the starter of a new generation of formidable priests who will make their talents burst as soon as they are finished removing the dust from the church let's help them with all our hearts
Reply ↓ - Written by druon | The
h yes!!!…we were waiting for Jesus Christ and we had the clergy!!!
Reply ↓ - Written by Kevin DUBOIS | The
It seems to me that Mrs. Gaulmyn would have done better if she had received the grace of the Priesthood?!!? How do you expect me to accept what this so-called Catholic newspaper says when most of the time it questions the Roman orientations see the actions of the Pope. I am thinking particularly of our dear Benedict XVI, who was so decried during his Pontificate and adored during his renunciation of the Petrine office. Your article is without depth, it is not objective and how can you judge a man when you have never loved him, never seen him and never been confessed to by him. Oh that it is better then to be bored at times masses, hear nonsense, as long as the priest is obedient to his bishop. I think you should study your Canon Law a little more dear Isabelle and if you are in need of a chasuble, turn to our Anglican brothers 🙂 For my part, Zanotti has given me back my faith in Jesus Christ while I was living in a state of obvious sin. Christ passed through him to touch me and convert me and the fruits are there….I am active in my parish and thinking about religious life…Happy Sunday to you and learn to love and avoid wanting to please the Catholic intelligentsia . What do you have to gain from it? Poor humanity… courage Isabelle, a little will all the same and taste the Mercy of the Lord in order to live from it and be so for all
Reply ↓ - Written by Christophe Rémond | The
Article unworthy of you, Mrs. de Gaulmyn: simplistic, rapid, simplistic, without any investigation of the PPs. Zanotti-Sorkin or Gourrier. How can you write that? It's so easy...
Reply ↓ - Written by françoise m. | The
Enough constant criticism! the world is choking to see only evil everywhere. Let us rather look at the light brought by Father Zanotti in our poor lives! Dogma is one thing but CHARITY surpasses it.
Reply ↓ - Written by Rouvre | The
When we see one then the other (Father Sorkine then his bishop) we understand everything! Jesus vomited the lukewarm. Father Sorkine is a fire that warms and illuminates.
Reply ↓ - Written by dereuil | The
I much prefer a father like this than one who fires his organist for absences while he was on sick leave!!!! and titular organist under contract from 2002 !!! as was the case near Marseille, in the city of Marcel Pagnol. since this unfair dismissal triggered cancer at the age of 40! , it is a bad image that this priest of CHRISTIAN CHARITY gives
Reply ↓ - Written by aurelia | The
All these controversies, these insults, these jealousies inspire me with disgust. Only one thing counts for me, for having attended on several occasions "the great solemn mass" at the Reformed Church, WITHOUT the presence of the Father Michel-Marie, the great fervor emanating from these celebrations, then the viewing on the internet of Father MM-ZS's homilies, helped me to confirm and grow my faith. In these times when the Church is experiencing difficulties in its affirm - precisely, with too much lukewarmness - threatened as it is by the dangerous rise of other "beliefs", it is really stupid and unconscious not to seize the incredible chance that we Christians have in the person of 'such a priest Miche-Marie Zanotti-Sorkine. I pray that the Virgin, who has always guided his actions, opens a door of serenity to him, in order to continue to help us in our sometimes wavering faith
Reply ↓ - Written by Verax | The
Madam, I read with disgust your slanderous pamphlet against Father Zorkin. For once we have a holy priest through whom our Lord has done extraordinary things for his people (very numerous in are the testimonies), we should rejoice in it, but on the contrary, we see a wave of mud breaking which dirties our Lord himself. Make no mistake about it, by thus dirtying Father Zorkin, it is God himself do you really believe that the Lord does not know the darkness that dwells in your soul when you write such lines? they are very numerous!!) who populate our Church, including at the highest echelons, and whose pride cannot stand not being in the foreground. As Christ said to the Pharisees, you kill the prophets, the sent from the Lord, in order to oppose the purposes of God. As for obedience, since apparently you have designated yourself as an expert in the matter, you offer us an authentic testimony of obedience to the Prince of lies. Worse than that, you pass the truth for the lie and the lie for the truth. Unhappy are you…
Reply ↓ - Written by hermeneias | Le
HuguenyCould you be more clear?Where have you seen "fans of one man"??!Those who support Father MMZS are "fans" of Christ but not only them it is to be hoped. who support, like me, father mmzs are not "fans" but they defend a witness, a courageous man, who puts his gifts, his talents and his life, his energy at the service of Christ. He surely has faults but I let the annoying and atrabilaires rant and I wonder, for once, about their intentions. Who are these “fans” of? And be really comfortable and relaxed because God will recognize his own. So you can let go without hiding behind your little finger! You are seen and spotted
Reply ↓ - Written by Françoise Pinier | The
It is true that we keep our ribs laughing when we see an article in the newspaper "La Croix" advocating obedience!!! Even Monsignor Cauchon must return to his grave of contentment. But obedience to God must always be first, although we must avoid, as much as possible of course, to oppose obedience to Jesus and that to his Church. . An enlightening and dramatic example on this subject is that of Joan of Arc, condemned by a bishop and judges (about forty theologians, monks and priests proclaiming themselves as the Church on earth) who reproached her for being proud and disobedient. What some here seem to reproach Father MMZS…Father MMZS is a saint, in my opinion, obviously, and one recognizes the tree by its fruits…Let us pray for his perseverance in the faith, the hope and charity. It is likely that he needs to rest and take a more contemplative year. Why make it a crime for him? Jesus was also reproached with “seducing the crowds”… But the people of God, the humble, the desperate, have always recognized holiness and hastened to it. Does this so-called seducer want to draw to him or lead people to Jesus and his Church? As for avoiding untimely devotions to his person, all the saints had the same problem. They did what they could to avoid it, but they cannot be held responsible for the imbalances and indiscretions of others.
Reply ↓ - Written by pascal guillot | The
in Zavoix…Abbé Pierre wore a Roman collar…don't confuse the substance with the shape? frequent… What is the image of the questioning that we give?
Reply ↓ - Written by Cécile d'Eaubonne | The
If it is the fruits of the Gospel, let us rejoice! But without forgetting that the words of Christ are radical and caustic. And the Bible also insists: You will honor God and God alone…In the multiplicity of beliefs, Christians will one day be only a very small people: it is also announced biblically. At the risk of making teeth cringe and a few necks too stiff, I dare to provoke by adding that it will not be a disaster if the Gospel message of love and respect for others enters widely into consciences and hearts. The passage of Christ on earth revealed its priority. We are called to be artisans of this message where we live. Praise to God is important, but less so than gospel priorities. Let us understand, however, that the life of Faith advances on both. Praise be to God? I have never felt it so much as in Mostar by the call to prayer of the Muezzin, at the dawn of a very mild month of May. There, the city is divided between Muslims and Catholics. But explain to me why our Christian brothers erected a cross that is invaded by flashes of light in the worst taste: it is thundering and provocative. And yet, there as elsewhere, the search for peace and interiority are so necessary. Respect for the strange stranger too...
Reply ↓ - Written by Montalte | The
See François Vauclin take over the analysis of P.Zanotti-Sorkine is irrefutable proof of the existence of God 😉Miracle, miracle
Reply ↓ - Written by Truth and Lie | The
Everything contributes to think that there are many knots in this “affair” and to believe this article direct from Belgium we learn that Bishop Léonard was waiting for Father MMZS at the head of the Fraternity of the Holy Apostles. Mrg Pontier, the apostolic nuncio, the parish and Father Aillet strongly protested against the arrival of Father MMZS. The rector of the MM does the same, why this rejection? The silence of Mgr Pontier becomes heavy… Who obeys whom and what?
Reply ↓ - Written by Regular Faithful | The
The sad contradictory comments that your beautiful article, well written, attracts, are unfortunately revealing of the serious dissensions existing in the Church. They bring to light the moral degradation of minds troubled by a false judgment removing all clairvoyance. priest is a man who has given his life to God. He is consecrated. He therefore deserves the greatest respect as well as much gratitude for his generous and holy action towards all. I pray that thousands of priests like him will arise: Capable of awakening consciences too long anesthetized by a secular -calling neutral, but which remains heavy and overwhelming, because atheist. Capable of rekindling the flame of a free, spontaneous, natural, human, benevolent fervor, cleansed of all ideological ulterior motives. Capable of inducing in the faithful the ability to open one's eyes in order to find the strength to resist individually and all together this ambient political heaviness which, under cover of kind and apparently harmless bonhomie, imposes a kind of underhanded masked dictatorship, which undermines any attempt at real contradictions by skillfully inducing silence or evasion. Able to arouse by his words and his example, new holy priestly vocations, which, by the grace of consecration could pour out Divine Mercy in abundance, on French people asleep and sullied by the countless green political lies , blues, reds, pinks, lies that have defiled and sullied the citizens without their knowledge for so long. recovery of France, this dear country which gives the impression of sinking, will begin when the French are given back access to its only and true roots: the Christian roots. I would really like to know this priest who is "in affair” with the Lord. Ordinary faithful from below, neither traditionalist nor progressive, free.
Reply ↓ - Written by hermeneias | The
Enough of the "good apostles" of "humility", which has a good back and which can sometimes be feigned and full of hidden pride, and of "holy obedience" with variable geometry for the usual despisers and demolishers persevering of the visibility of the Church and the expression of Christianity in societies. Humility and obedience are very often exploited and are very suspect and very unChristian if they are not combined with freedom and Truth (which precisely will set us free….). sedatives…. It goes better. Who obeyed Jeanne or Cauchon? This is a question I asked in a message deleted by me Gaulmyn. And Zavoix take care of your nostalgia. Where is the problem ? And what fruit do you and the Sullivans bear? I don't see any
Reply ↓ - Written by zavoix | The
What does it mean that the obedience of priests is sacramental? If it is to put the seal of the sacred, with all the ambiguity of this word, then what a weight on the shoulders of a man… If it is to distinguish the sacramental from the juridical, then it is to make room for a human practice freedom in obedience. I am thinking of Jean Sulivan who spent the end of his life as a priest and writer, without any other ministry to my knowledge... with a completely different message than that of Father Zanotti-Sorkine. There are enough nostalgic people in the Church to unite 800 people in Marseilles or perhaps a few thousand one day in Paris. As if to applaud priests in Roman collars (the aptly named…) But perhaps all this bears good fruit? Accept the omen.
Reply ↓ - Written by Blandine | The
I agree with the many comments that testify how much Father Zanotti helps them on their journey of faith. I also listen to his homilies from a distance and I am stimulated to follow Christ and love him. Afterwards, of course, there are always deviations, we are only men: a little too excessive admiration, a charm that works, a fascination... I like to think, even if I keep in mind the example of Father Maciel, that this priest has an intact desire to follow the Lord and to bring souls back to God (it is after all the role of a priest). No doubt, as one comment said, he is overwhelmed by the media enthusiasm he arouses and is more detached from it than we think. But then again, he's just a man. And I sincerely pray for him, to keep him humble and small.
Reply ↓ - Written by Elisabeth | The can't resist sharing with you the story of obedience of a priest of French origin, in conflict with his bishop, Father Don Louis Demornex in Campania. (Italy) She is remarkably humble….He was rewarded by the inflexible support of the parishioners of his three small villages where he was going to celebrate Mass, but also by Benedict XVI who sent him the following message: “I promise you to carry your pain in my prayer before the Lord” (12/23/2013)
Reply ↓ - Written by father debacker | The
Why Madame let you believe that Father Zanotti had disobeyed? The obedience of the priest is an obedience of collaboration and dialogue with his bishop, which obviously took place. You confuse priestly obedience with monastic obedience where it is the monastery and not the individual who has the initiative. In addition to the theological fault, serious when one has your responsibility, you thus lend the blank to an analysis of the priesthood where the priest should not have the initiative. Would you like to make us priests functionaries without pastoral inventiveness? This paralyzes the charity of the pastor who must constantly find new ways to reach his faithful. And that goes against the history of the Church…
Reply ↓ - Written by Elisabeth | The
@JPM you went to the site I mentioned which allowed you to find out who Hermenias is. The dialogue he had with the Sisters of Saint John. I am putting it back online because everyone is complaining about him but few have read the article, given their thoughts... You have to know his background and you will better understand his aggressiveness! You learn that he stayed for a few years with the brothers of Saint John, he is a doctor . He left the community after a theological difference of opinion with Father MDP….this founding father of the community who can be found in Father MMZS as an admirer and “Master”…..“The Holy Spirit never divides the children of God. He unites them. » 1 jn.2:9-11 the dialogue of October 15, JMP wrote a comment…Important and not insignificant information has just been published concerning the Fraternity of the Holy Apostles: -la-fraternite-des-sa-5410911.htmlIsabelle, you have a good subject for your next book, full of twists and turns that I'm sure already inspires you! As for the title…the choice is yours!
Reply ↓ - Written by François Vauclin | The
What perhaps bothers the Magisterium is that Father Michel-Marie Zanotti-Sorkin has no equal in denouncing the critical state of the Catholic Church in France.1)- Here, for example, what he writes in his book "Au Diable la tiédeur": [Sixty percent of French people still declare themselves Catholics, while only four percent are connected to the Eucharistic source, and in the city of Marseilles where I currently reside , to take just one example, one percent of the inhabitants still know the address of their parish. (…) The majority of our parishes are dormant, mass no longer retains the heart; in many places, it puts to sleep, it bores, it disappoints, it alienates even those who have faith; baptisms dwindle, catechisms are empty, confession dies, vocations do not blossom or die in flight, and to crown the disaster that mounts, the priest is often no more than a pawn tied up in the middle of pseudo-councils. democratic, and when thus it is no longer contemplated in its necessity and in its supernatural beauty, on the ground - the present already cries it - , Heaven no longer descends on earth.]2)- Here again is what it writes about priests. In one of his interview books with Jean-Robert Cain, entitled "Man and Priest", he says to his interlocutor, listen carefully: "Jean-Robert, if you were to invite all the priests who do not agree with the pope and which circulate freely, even worse, which are opposed to whole sections of Catholic doctrine, such as original sin, the virginity of Mary, the Immaculate Conception, transubstantiation, the reality of purgatory, to take just a few examples, you would be ruined!” Of course Father Zanotti-Sorkin is indignant at this situation, and he adds: “But there, we are not saying anything, we are not condemning, we are not shouting at scandal, to heresy, to the gravity of the situation".
Reply ↓ - Written by HUGUENY | The
It is through the effect of exacerbated confrontation – and this blog is the occasion – between fans of one man and their detractors that we see flourishing everywhere in the world of “churches” – we formerly called “chapels” – “evangelical” style. The problem is that the group of the first disciples of Jesus the Nazarene is no different.
Reply ↓ - Written by dan | The

Men have always criticized the saints, the prophets, all those who are most invested with god. God himself proves it in his son our lord jesus. So satan inspires those who criticize him to this holy priest with false ideas about him to fight him. this man priest is humble and holy
Reply ↓ - Written by eljojo | The
@HermeneiasYou have the right to have your opinions, I will simply remind you of the words of Christ who says that we will be judged with the same measure by which we have judged others. Criticize actions, it will be much more relevant and effective. And leave the people to Divine Mercy…@ CosteYou are here on a blog, not on the newspaper, the words of the author engage only her, and reciprocally, she is not responsible for the entire editorial line of the log.
Reply ↓ - Written by Cécile d'Eaubonne | The
I had a dream, Mr. HermeneiasYour friend Father Marie-Dominique Philippe begged the living that we are to stop our reproaches and all forms of insults towards each other from here and elsewhere. Because you can guess it, where the soul of the one who was your friend currently resides - let's admit that this place is generally called purgatory - he can only take his place with God when his friends are also in a constructive peace. Regards Good summer weather to passersby of this blog.
Reply ↓ - Written by Michel Médiéviste | Le
Hermenias, argue with evidence of facts instead of launching into anathemas, trials of intent and ad hominem attacks. which prove nothing. I wrote that I did not know this affair, but your furious interventions do not inform me. Are you worse than the journalists you vilify?
Reply ↓ - Written by Mike | The
Poor Church if you think that your future can be in this surly, intolerant, even violent backwardness, frozen on ideas of a past so distant that we know it only very badly and which can not be used in any way tireless and joyful proclamation of the Good News in today's world. The violence of these remarks frightens me: pacem in terris!
Reply ↓ - Written by URSULE KOFFI | Le
I am saddened to read all these bad comments on Father MMZS who has done a lot of good and even beyond France. With the dechristianization of your old Europe, you should congratulate him and I know that CHRIST does it, unfortunately, he is so badly thanked in the image of his Master and SGR JESUS who was crucified for having loved the world so much! it is the Path of the Saints and you project Fr. Michel MarieZ.S. on this path.
Reply ↓ - Written by Bruno Lafon | The
For the attention of Septimus ….and many others who use pseudonyms. I find it incredible to talk about people without knowing them. Before making judgments, what do you know of Father Michel Marie Zanotti Sorkine? Did you attend his masses? Have you discussed with him….? Those who know him, know that he is someone remarkable and deeply devoted to others, and who knows how to share his Faith.
Reply ↓ - Written by josefine | The
Hermeneias…. you are sad… How I pity you, so much suffering which leads to so much hatred… Approach Michel Marie, only he can help you after God…
Reply ↓ - Written by Montalte | The
As usual, the ordinations this year were the most numerous in Paris (OK, it's Paris), Versailles (OK, it's a particular social environment), Toulon (Hey?), Orléans. Luzon, which I was talking about just before, succeeded in a few years in having an ordination every two years on average, which is much more than in many large cities. As for the ordinations coming from communities, congregations and movements: always the Emmanuel in head, with the Dominicans, followed by the Neo-cathecumenal Way. (3 Jesuits, which is a good year for them). In short, always the same, it is the places most faithful to the teaching of the Church that have the most vocations. And this can be verified on all the other fruits: female religious vocations, catechumenate, catechization of children, etc. Cdp
Reply ↓ - Written by Montalte | The
This priest had the agreement of his bishop to go to the Miraculous Medal and he does not go there when he does not have the agreement of the chaplain of the rue du Bac. Where is the problem? In both cases, there was obedience, right? Beyond this story, I join the chorus of commentators who are still laughing to see “La Croix” lecturing us on obedience to the Church and its bishop ( and who says bishop says pope ;)). It's actually not lacking in salt. It's better to laugh about it. I have seen too many religious congregations draping themselves in their progressivism calling for “intelligent” obedience, therefore revolt, when it comes to knocking on the Church, the pope, the Magisterium, the sacraments etc… And suddenly find themselves demanding obedience without any discussion with their novices who are a little too “JP2 (or B16) generation”. Thanks to "La Croix" for having made an illustration for the general public of this hypocrisy. (This without any hostility towards IdG whose tickets I appreciate, even when I disagree)
Reply ↓ - Written by adrienne | The
I think Isabelle is having a lot of fun publishing hermeneias' insulting nonsense! One wonders how far he could go in the discarded messages... Note that Isabelle only publishes those containing it addressed which, moreover, only smears their author. Mr hermeneias, if you had a little education, you would know that a minimum of respect is due to one's host when one invites oneself to his home. And there, you are at Isabelle's and she would have the right to kick you out definitively, with... what I think! Another missed opportunity for a discussion that could have been enlightening on this notion of (sacramental?) obedience to the Church through its bishop for those who made the promise. May the venomous teasers kindly return to their blogs where no one will disturb them (and for good reason!) and may this blog-ci remain a real place of debate. There are so few! Take a vacation Isabelle, we wish you a very good one!
Reply ↓ - Written by François Vauclin | Le
Diantre, my dear (or my dear) Hermeneias, here you are quite unleashed against Isabelle de Gaulmyn. 'Air, and finally for having seen and heard her recently at the large La Procure bookstore during the presentation of her latest book, I can tell you that she is a charming, cultured person, respectful of the opinions of others.
Reply ↓ - Written by coste | The
the newspaper the cross creates disorder, especially since the journalist should meet father zanotti who is a holy priest before talking nonsense, and people drink the lie like whey. keep quiet instead of saying anything.
Reply ↓ - Written by hermeneias | The
As a good, shrewd and sold journalist that she is, me Gaulmyn only publishes messages that suit her. Three of my messages that bothered me Gaulmyn have disappeared and she publishes the others to try to appear for a poor victim who she is not and a follower of freedom of expression that she is not. It's all lies and pretences with this kind of person. I maintain that she is a hypocrite, a rogue and a sellout who deserves to be, like others of her kind, unmasked and properly snuffed out in public because the "good people" have the right to know in a "good democracy" how they are informed and misinformed and in particular in the Church (as long as we are here "in the Church"). If I see this sad person one day in a debate not too padlocked she will hear me. While waiting for a blog it is very practical, we can give the illusion of freedom of speech …..
Reply ↓ - Written by frede | The
Hermeneiashow can you say that Isabelle is a cunning journalist”that is to say according to the dictionary”unscrupulous”. . Dominique Bargiarellia absolutely right, it's scandalous unless your knowledge of the French language leaves much to be desired following insufficient schooling.
Reply ↓ - Written by Eleonore | The perepiscopus/vatican/ dissolution-des-soeurs-dissidentes-de-la-communaute-saint-jeanYou will find the elegant dialogue between the sisters of Saint John and Hermenias. Read the comment of October 15, you will know who Hermenias really is and her real face!!!
Reply ↓ - Written by breizh | Le
@Hermeneias……Lay down the masks…I can reassure you…your latest blog is worthy of being edited and in the tone of Media-Presse-Info…the traditional Rivarol newsletter.… “…If we refuses to listen to your words, get out of this house, shaking the dust from your feet. Amen. On the day of judgment…. »Ev. de Matthieu (10 – 15)@ I de Gaulmyn –Courage – You have all my sympathy for your work. Good holidays.
Reply ↓ - Written by josefine | The
We are really pitiful…I'm not always OK with IDG but from there to dragging it in the mud…I don't agree.Of course there is more interesting than Michel Marie, and all the free spirits of the Catholic world… There have always been such individuals and there always will be. Maybe diversity of charisms??? I do not know. What I read petrifies me, the world is not ready... and what petrifies me the most is that I am in it...
Reply ↓ - Written by eljojo | Le
Talleyrand said: “all that is excessive is insignificant”. I believe that this applies particularly to the words of Hermeneias, but also to those of a certain number of "fans" of Father Zanotti-Sorkin. I believe that the words of Isabelle de Gaulmyn are not excessive, even if he is not tender for all that. Indeed everyone will agree on the apostolic zeal of Father Michel-Marie, as well as his charisma, and the fruits of his action. But he is not for all that a saint, and a number of points raise questions, in particular the excessive enthusiasm he arouses, as well as his maverick side which undermines the unity of the church. That he arouses enthusiasm is positive, on the other hand , we note, and this discussion thread is the proof, that it leads to a questioning of the Church in general, and of its bishop in particular.
Reply ↓ - Written by Michel Médiéviste |
Father Delanoe who values your title as a cleric, don't you know that the bishop of Luçon is considered by a large part of the Catholics of his diocese as a Vatican "casting" error...? the matter to come back to the post conciliar methods which took into account the wishes of the lay people of the area…..
Reply ↓ - Written by JPM | The
On Fr. Gourrier, I am frankly perplexed. The "conversion" of J. Kerviel seems very opportunistic to me... and his misappropriations are proven. Of course, finance must be regulated, but is J. Kerviel really the right cause to defend...? I am very much afraid that Fr. Gourrier has been deceived.
Reply ↓ - Written by Ludovic | The
I am quite surprised by the content of the responses of people criticizing the father without knowing him (or knowing only his Facebook page or a website). For my part, if I only knew his FaceBook page (to which I pay no attention) I would not take much interest in him. Having had the joy of attending 2 masses during the week celebrated by him (during the first, I had entered the church by chance while doing tourism when I did not know his reputation) I can tell you that this priest is well above the critics of ignoramuses read on this page. I can only advise them to read his books, in particular "man and priest", a work whose spiritual and intellectual force is 100 cubits above most of the Catholic books that I can read.
Reply ↓ - Written by Elisabeth | The
You don't know Hermenias? He's on all the blogs that talk about Father M.D. Philippe with always so much elegance! Isabelle, don't let yourself be impressed by this kind of individual who insults you and my profession as a journalist… but you've seen others, courage! Read his dialogue with the Sisters of Saint John and especially that of October 15, you will get to know him more in depth about this character… who calls himself a Christian! You will be amazed!! -dissident-sisters-of-the-community-of-saint-jean
Reply ↓ - Written by Mike | The
Mr. Hermeneias' message is truly chilling. This intolerance sure of its truth is the opposite of the Gospel message, there are Catholic fringes who are no longer Christian. "To put shabby" and "to sniff" an ideal of dialogue! As for children at recess, fortunately: "it's the one who says it who is." But humor is a long way off, this good distance between oneself and oneself which avoids taking oneself seriously, poor dust that we are.
Reply ↓ - Written by anabelle | The
I have just read Father Gourrier's response to this article. He explains what he is doing and it is beautiful and linked to our Pope. In no case was there the slightest disobedience to the bishop. What is said in this article about him is therefore not correct and there is no more evidence concerning the said disobedience of Father Michel-Marie.
Reply ↓ - Written by DM63 | The
I don't know Father Zanotti, and I have nothing against him. But I note that with two or three exceptions (Thérèse, Tina and one or two others, with a special mention for the very interesting post of Constance on July 4), the posts of her admirers are aggressive and a violence that questions. Some, especially among the most recent, are even outside of any civilized dialogue. If they want to defend him, this is not the way they will get there. Father Zanotti himself, if he takes the time to read this blog, would be honored to explicitly distance himself from these fanatics. It goes without saying, Isabelle, you have my full support for these very special methods of “dialogue”!
Reply ↓ - Written by AM S | Le
Dear Isabelle; I simply came to wish you a very good family holiday, and, I hope, sunny ones. While waiting for the pleasure of seeing you again, I repeat all my sympathy
Reply ↓ - Written by arnaud41 | Le
Isabelle, I enjoy reading the posts of your detractors: the excess, the ridiculousness, the rudeness of their remarks make them lose all credibility! With @Hermenéias, I encourage you to publish them without hesitation! They serve you! I even spotted one who, after having written on your blog, invites the readers of a well-respected blog to go and see what he has just published: it's a joke... "Happy will you be when we will say all kinds of evil about you because of me…” For it is indeed the cause of Jesus and his gospel that is at stake! Last Sunday, we heard the prophet Zechariah announce the coming of their king and savior to the scattered Jews. A king who will break the oppressor and destroy his armies. A king who comes without troops and riding on a donkey… And, in Jesus, the prophecy is fulfilled! It is as if we were announcing to the Christians of the East the solitary coming of their liberator riding a bicycle or a moped. How to show Jesus so small and humble, so bulky I am. For Him to grow, I must decrease. On the other hand, disobedience is sometimes the only recourse to survive… I am speaking from experience.
Reply ↓ - Written by dominique Bargiarelli | Le
hermeneias, your remarks are scandalous and I underline it while I disagree with the article by Madame deGaulmyn.
Reply ↓ - Written by hermeneias | The
CECILE d'Eaubonne is poorly played if you clumsily try to oppose Claudel and the MMZS father. They are much closer than you say. Both of them artists and of traditional sensibility, loving beauty and in particular liturgical beauty. In this artistic field there is no absolute, but the Church when she was healthy and respected herself always promoted the beautiful, the true and therefore the intelligence, the culture… Now it is true, in the wake of time, cowardly subject to demagoguery and ochlocracy, it often propagates and gets in tune with ignorance, consumerism and average mediocracy. For my part, I do not oppose stupidly , the dazzling and overflowing Baroque, the Gothic, the Cistercian, and the Romanesque….all express the divine beauty and of its incarnate Word. Today we build, voluntarily, sheds and cubes….
Reply ↓ - Written by hermeneias | The
Me Gaulmyn is a hypocrite, like any "Christian Democrat", an ersatz of social or socializing Christianity, who publishes my post denouncing her censorship to "show" that she is not a censor when she does. She's a shrewd journalist who I'd like to put down in a fair debate. But this kind of person always slips away and does not venture far. I had taken up the defense in the face of bitter, insinuating and ignorant speakers, soaps that recall certain politicians, the father MMZS criticized, among other things, for having taken a strong, public and courageous defense of Father M.Dominique Philippe. And I thought I had seriously snuffed out some ignorant and mediocre slanderers… But precisely these messages were deleted. “tolerant” whereas she is, with her fellow relativists, almost intolerance and arbitrariness incarnate
Reply ↓ - Written by Tina |
Dear Thérèse, I smiled while reading you because I could have written your message word for word. Like you, I listen to it while I iron, knit, clean and garden. I listen to all his sermons that I have taken care to record since 2011 and I sometimes listen to the same one several times until I have understood it; I take notes in a notebook. Like you, it helps me to understand and love my neighbour, which in many ways remains obscure and difficult for me. I am not a “groupie” (I have passed the age). I do not want to see him, but just, always, to be able to benefit from "his" reading of the Gospels because he is for me a "passenger", an "awakener", a "transmitter". I simply wish him to be able to lead to well his projects, which he has not for his own glory, but to make still and still more known the word of God. I can well imagine that, if he weren't serving greater than him, he would prefer to retire to rest a bit from these 10 years spent giving so much. I wish him the best for the happiness of our hearts. he says): “And that rhymes! …” and I would add (Thérèse you will understand me) “It is completely beyond us!…”
Reply ↓ - Written by Martin | The
@therese. The difference is that the Curé of Ares did not have (at the time obviously) a blog to spread out, and that he spent 18 hours a day in the confessional where people came to him, rather than seek to move to Paris to implement its theater and cinema projects. When we know that MMSZ has already scheduled for May 31, 2015, a show at the Réformés de Marseille! love/we believe we are dreaming…
Reply ↓ - Written by Seyrat | The
Reading the comments of zealots of this abbot JMZZ (some of whom seem "phony"), who says the Mass in lace, I think it's good for them no doubt, but also that it's exactly what makes me run away when I cross paths with one of them on my path as a believer, and what makes so many people run away from the Church of the past. If I believe, it is in the Good News transmitted by the disciples of Jesus and not in all those manipulative “charismas” which, in all forms of religion, encourage fanaticism with very dangerous effects. There is no true faith without doubt, no expectation of the Spirit without the exercise of moderating reason, no healthy religion without secularism. If the ecclesial institution hopes for its future in these sentimental-excessive forms of piety and adulation, it prepares itself for harsh disillusions, of which Maciel was an example, alas! Let us not forget that Jesus was condemned by the caciques of the Temple. Let us rather open the windows of the Church as John XXIII tried to do rather than closing them on an asphyxiating between oneself.
Reply ↓ - Written by Pierre d'ESCAYRAC | The
How can you write such things Madam? You must know him badly. Stop attacking the Priests with your peremptory judgments of evil-thinking journalists always eager for conflict. “Criticism is easy, art more difficult”. Instead, talk about what is beautiful and what is going well. Do instead of undo, be positive! For having met him and having attended his mass from time to time, when I am passing through Marseille. I have seen the transformation of this parish in 6 years and the crowd that throngs there is large and from all sides of all tendencies and all conditions. It transforms hearts and restores faith and courage to those who lack it in our adrift world. He is one of the people who help to renew our society in bad shape. He is a "True Curé d'Ars of our time", very mediatised which bothers you and his detractors. He is more media than you and your destructive articles. You lost an opportunity to be silent. This is not how the newspaper La Croix will reach the true Catholics of today. You are late, you missed the renewal train, you stay on the platform, the train has left, reform! Christ asks you.
Reply ↓ - Written by barthelemy |
Prudence, mother of all virtues, should have been in Father Zannoti's heart. We do not announce a departure in a place like Rue du Bac, we simply say that we are leaving without giving a destination; since one is not yet affected, there is no lie. We remain silent while waiting for the doors to open. And Heaven opens the doors when no one expects it. Where is the faith? Well there she is! As the Virgin Mary was silent, we must all remain silent when heaven leads us. Let's leave the helm to Jesus, He who in the boat calmed the storm. Let's live the Gospel, but also let's apply it to our daily life. The Lord invites us to do so in the Our Father.
Reply ↓ - Written by JPM | Le
@ HERMENEIAS: You need to calm down. Insults have nothing to do here and dirty those who utter them.
Reply ↓ - Written by Eléonore | Le
@Jacquescomment affirmand swallow that the father "suffered" his departure from the Reformed Church without providing us with the proof? A sword in the water! We take the parishioners for fools who will swallow everything in which we participated and suffered in this case, this theater play which smells of sulfur! It's Feydeau, less funny, but rich in twists! large door….and comes back through the window with the reading of his book “L’Amour” which he is going to give precisely in his Reformed church and surrounded by two very pretty sopranos! The formula is “a reunion for the former priest of the place”…Magnificent and magnanimous, olé!
Reply ↓ - Written by Abbé Delance | The
The question of obedience is very topical in our society and therefore also in particular in our Church. rediscover a certain fear that the Church has always had towards these so admired people. Does God always remain in the first place? Is there a risk of idolatry, of deception? I have a lot of sympathy for him a priori and I prefer to let all the people who know him talk about it. But obedience? A much more deplorable affair took place in the diocese of Quimper where a section of a ending church fought hard against his bishop to the point of making him “break”. Let us pray for him with all our heart. systematic disobedience in matters of liturgy and sacraments.Obedience, obedience,…It is the eternal parable of the straw and the beam.Lord give us priestsLord give us holy priestsLord give us many holy priestsSaints Cyril and Methodius , pray for us.
Reply ↓ - Written by pascal guillot | The
Living a few hundred km from Marseille, I do not have the honor of knowing this priest. Still, the title "the affair" as if it were a legal "affair" with good settling of scores... gives a rather poor image of the Catholic community. Arendt wrote that taste is a political affair.
Reply ↓ - Written by Camille14 | The
We can notice here that the Obedience of La Croix via this charming "journalist" proves to us that this one Obeys the new anti-religion FM. I therefore thank La Croix for highlighting what many faithful think. Christian men and women form a common front behind our representatives of The Holy Word. Father MMZS revived La Foi au Coeur de Marseille through the Love of Our Blessed Mother, the fruits are undeniable! in a period when the deconstruction of the seat of Saint Peter, anti-Christianity at all levels still reveals to us here where people are placed (so-called believers, be they!). A real thank you to the true followers of Christ, He hears us. . . and will lead, Thank God, MMZS to continue the Evangelization of Hearts. The pleasure of those who follow Jesus is to live in righteousness through faith, to enjoy the peace that faith brings and the joy of the Holy Mind.
Reply ↓ - Written by septimus |
Bravo Madame de Gaulmyn for your article I am appalled to see how the majority of your readers are in bad faith and have not understood anything about what a pastor should be. This shows that Catholics are still attached to certain traditions that have little to do with the Gospel. It is clear that Father Zanotti sees himself as a new prophet and believes he can decide for himself where he should go and what his mission will be. And I understand that the chaplain of the rue du Bac is in no hurry to see him arrive at his sanctuary. It is still curious that Bishop Pontier did not speak on this matter. But when we see the clique of supporters howling scandal, we understand that he takes his time... The cult of personality is not dead in the Church with John Paul II...
Reply ↓ - Written by dominique Bargiarelli | The
There are inadmissible words in the remarks made by certain "defenders" of Father Zorkin, however I feel the same discomfort when I read certain other comments accusing this priest of acting. How can we judge and to condemn someone whom we absolutely do not know, and who has spent body and soul for 10 years to revive the parish which had been entrusted to him, Certain reflections make me think absolutely of those of the tradits who were offended by the clothing of Father Guy Gilbert. In both cases we judge on appearance.
Reply ↓ - Written by Therese | The
Well me, a good mother alone with my iron.. For 3 years I have been listening to his homilies in front of my monstrous pile of laundry! How many of us are like this, little ones, unimportant to hear his strong words that shake us and help us, among other things, to love our neighbor better and so many other examples! On the other side of the planet we can listen to this priest full of common sense! And I'll tell you: I would cut my head off as he often says that the greats of this world casually listen to him "on the sly"... And I would even bet politicians losing their bearings! Maybe even in the depths of some outback! Come on friends STOP jealousy, don't forget the cure d'Ars to whom a girl from the village wanted him to endorse a baby to lose it! And Padre Pio!!!!! Let peace join us all! A simple mother, but who owes a lot to Zanotti!
Reply ↓ - Written by Ninelene | The
Blasphemous? Review the definition of blasphemy, Jacques. “The notion of blasphemy, as defined by Le Petit Larousse, is “a word or speech that violently insults the divinity”: however even this article would be insulting, Father MMZS is not God. You serve his cause by crying blasphemy and demonstrating that there is a somewhat misplaced divinization of man. Only God is God.
Reply ↓ - Written by frede | The
correction: it should read blasphemy; Words or writings offensive to God or to religion. If it is public, blasphemy is punishable by an indeterminate “just penalty” (canon 1369) small dictionary of canon law Jean Werckmeister p43
Reply ↓ - Written by Cécile d'Eaubonne | The
I observe the photo of Father Zanotti celebrating the Eucharistic Mass. Astonishment and uneasiness...! At a time when, at the Bouffes du Nord theatre, a director chooses a beautiful sobriety to convey the testimony of Faith of the young Violaine by Claudel in The announcement made to Marie, how not to enter without skepticism at the sight of such gleaming clothing? The mystery of the last sharing of Christ demands such abandon on our part that so much tinsel seems to me to provide too bad distractions. theatrical? This is the gift received yesterday in Paris. Run… Run to the Bouffes du Nord theatre, you will come out reinvigorated, moved that Claudel's Faith is so well translated by a group of talented actors and musicians. The young Violaine (Judith Chemla) is dazzling in expressing her Love of God . In love with God, she gives her life: those who cross her path discover more intensity in theirs. Miracle of a humble and discreet gift that transforms hearts.
Reply ↓ - Written by frede | Le
Jacques do you believe that Isabelle’s article is I quote you “totally blasphemous”!! a little moderation please which will do great goodthis said in passing to the Church!!!!For your information: blasphemy; Words or writings offensive to God or to religion. If it is public, blasphemy is punishable by an indeterminate "just punishment" (canon 1369). small dictionary of canon lawJean Werckmeister p43
Reply ↓ - Written by Porchaire |
I do not know Father Zanetti, but I can affirm, in response to Jacques, that Father Gourrier left Poitiers without having the approval of his bishop, Father Wintzer, who published a denial when the -ci announced that he had received his blessing. choice.Let time be given to the faithful who have followed them so that they become imbued with what these priests have brought them and that they can live from the gospel without needing to maintain polemics or anger, but into upright and independent men. These will be the fruits by which it will be possible to recognize that they have worked well for the Church and not for themselves. Thank you, Madame de Gaulmynn, for simply recalling that the rule of obedience has an ecclesial and spiritual meaning and that it is not there to break up individual personalities.
Reply ↓ - Written by DJo | Le
La Croix, which gives lessons in obedience, is a bit like DSK giving a lesson in chastity. Libre Belgique) than Isabelle Gaulmyn, he must be at least Christian (horrible!), or even worse… I even suspect him of being Catholic.
Reply ↓ - Written by Perez | The
Thank you to Isabelle for her article which provoked so many reactions in my journal! Opposing Christians argue. So much the better ! This reveals that they are not asleep, that Faith does not prevent debates, especially when the subjects raised by certain journalists deserve it. Quite the opposite of what I blame Bruno Frappat for: sluggish and predictable articles. In his last moods, Frappat occupies a page to announce that he is going on vacation. And you will see that at the start of the school year, it will occupy a page to announce that it is the recovery. Soporific Moods! While Isabelle writes where it lives, where it can do good, where it can hurt. This is what I expect from my newspaper La Croix. I will end by specifying that all the great known saints lived obedience under often unjust and painful conditions. But they embodied it. Like Christ, obedient even to the Cross! Fraternally!
Reply ↓ - Written by HUGUENY | Le
Isabelle – this is how I addressed you forty years ago when I was in charge of catechesis for you and when I met your parents at your family home, faithful but critical parishioners – I am saddened by the attacks your article brings upon you. Stand firm! The job of a journalist exposes you. I am convinced that you only write what professional conscience dictates. Keep going. Courage !
Reply ↓ - Written by JPM | The
I didn't know anything about this priest either before reading the article. The reactions tell me something else about him, however: he has become the mascot of "identity" Catholics. !
Reply ↓ - Written by JPM | Le
@BARBEY: “all these furious reactions make practically the same reproaches to him and in the same terms”: Indeed. Rather than its parishioners, it is therefore a concerted action by a group, and even probably only a few individuals who take x nicknames to post and repost the same thing over and over again.1) Aggressive remarks2) Lynching of La Croix, "progressives" who "denigrate the teaching of the Church", support for "obedience to the magisterium", etc.3) Coordinated group offensive-> Make no mistake about it: these are the methods of action of “traditional” groups. The more extremist they are, the more violent the remarks. Obviously this attitude has nothing to do with Christianity, it is an ideological obsession.
Reply ↓ - Written by hermeneias | The
Uh Mrs. Gaulmyn, I withdraw the particle that you do not deserve and that you should have the honesty to withdraw as a “good” Republican that you flatter yourself to be, you a low-level little censor. part of these shameful little fascists who claim to be open and progressive and who padlock misinformation
Reply ↓ - Written by Cécile d'Eaubonne |
If I had one criticism to address to Madame Gaulmyn, it would be that of having focused her reflection on the personalities of Abbots Zanotti Sorkine and Gourrier. Which obviously perverts the debate and sends it to the hell of bad interpretations. In the not so distant past, other priests have shone with a thousand lights. Then they left more or less discreetly, outside the ecclesial path. Is our Faith due to the admiration for these star-priests? I read, in Madame Gaulmyn's text, a questioning about the obedience required and granted on the day of an ordination. On that day, a man– most often young – places himself at the disposal of a Bishop to serve a community and bear witness to his Faith. Can obedience to the Institution be compatible with the difficulties of living a vocation in accordance with the complexity of existence? We join the questioning of a previous blog.. And there is no one to whip... Except the attitude of spreading a deleterious hatred between Christians.
Reply ↓ - Written by christian | The
Good first of all, let's recognize that IdG has a freedom of expression that is quite rare in blogs. Few authors and journalists would publish such strong reactions towards them and, personally, I find that courageous and remarkable. Secondly, concerning the question related to obedience, this question is complex and obedience is never a blind enslavement, therefore, I would not allow myself to judge the obedience or not of Father Zanotti to his bishop. he needed it), elevate him to the rank of "subito sancto" and take the liberty of throwing the anathema at everything! I appreciate the work he has done with his parishioners and I would not directly attribute the responsibility for this unhealthy, even idolatrous craze of a fringe of his admirers. It is a trait specific to human nature and fragile people, damaged by life who have been able to be powerfully touched by grace, through its intervention, and who have not been able to find this same welcome elsewhere in the church, go of course to see in him an authentic representative of the Catholic faith led by lukewarm people and most of whose confreres will be perceived as disobedient to the Magisterium. I doubt that this is Father Zanotti's will and that he will not encourage him either directly nor indirectly. It is a disease of young converts which can be cured with time and with the benevolence of the whole ecclesial body. As a reminder, 10 years of community life is a lot on a human level but little on an ecclesial level, so nothing to be offended about. What I deeply regret, however, is the way of opposing so-called charismatic priests to d other colleagues. Are they not all servants in the same way? Once again we enter into the comparison and the division which is the fruit of the pulpit and not of the spirit...
Reply ↓ - Written by Andrée | The
I feel in full agreement with the author of the article: Isabelle de Gaulmyn, from the newspaper La Croix: A priest promises obedience to his bishop, on the day of his presbyteral ordination.
Reply ↓ - Written by Eléonore | Le
@jacquesWhat great hypocrisy on the part of his hierarchy if what you are telling us turns out to be true! What a play that we want to call “Le miel et le fiel” Play in 4 acts…or more!Act IFather MMZS announces his departure for the Miraculous Medal as a confessor.ActIIThe rector announces that he is not accepted. Act III The father announces in the FR3 interview that he no longer wants a parish and that he will find a few bars to confess… Act IV enters the scene Mgr Pontier to break his silence Act V Surprise, surprise!! All this is grotesque and father MMZS would have lent himself to this kind of comedy? Very surprised knowing that he is very honest…. "There is nothing hidden that should not be discovered, Nothing secret that should not be known and brought to light.” Luke 8:17
Reply ↓ - Written by flo |
The violence and boorishness of certain remarks, including people who claim to be priests, dishonor only those who hold them. And for example, Monsieur Jacques, before lecturing Isabelle, check your statements. As far as Father Gourier is concerned, everyone has been able to read, except you, that the bishop has distanced himself fissa. It appeared in the local newspaper: “In a press release, the Archbishop of Poitiers, Mgr Pascal Wintzer, specifies that the commitment of the Poitevin priest to the ex-trader does not commit his diocese. A severe clarification. “I also wonder if there are no other causes more defensible than that of Kerviel to defend and what this priest is going to do in this mess…
Reply ↓ - Written by Jacques | The
Madam, Your article is completely blasphemous and erroneous insofar as you do not seem to know the substance of the case as much for Father Sorkine as for Father Gourrier. Father Zanetti seems not to have chosen his departure from his parish but suffered it from his hierarchy. As for Father Gourrier, his approach seems to have received the approval of his hierarchical superiors. If you doubt it, start by phoning their bishops before writing such things !Yet you are a good journalist!Your article is therefore very disappointing and if I were in the place of these two priests, I would demand a right of reply to shed light on this subject.I am sorry to tell you that through this kind of paper, you do no good to the church! Father Sorkine is a true saint. Go meet these interlocutors personally before making such articles. Thank you
Reply ↓ - Written by Ninelene | Le
Yes, Barbey… All that for an article that has nothing to do with the stake… and this hysteria serves Father MMZS: if people defend him with such excess or even such hatred, is there isn't it a real concern? We even allow ourselves to give advice to Bishop Pontier to tell him how he should live the thing??? I agree with what was written about Father MMZS's speech of June 29, which also shocked me for the way in which he posed as a victim of his own success, and that is not the first time he proclaimed himself a persecuted prophet. If he does not openly criticize the bishop, he still finds the means to be “defended” against him, and there too it is not the first time – and it is more subtle than an open criticism. It takes nothing away from his apostolic sincerity, his fine intuitions, his warm and welcoming humanity, his sense of the word, but all the same, it is very embarrassing. Let's pray that all this calms down quickly, that he can continue a beautiful and good job with a good questioning of some of his ways, and that God bless all his children.
Reply ↓ - Written by anabelle | The
Fathers Zorkin and Gourrier are doing a wonderful and not easy job. If only we could do even a 10th of the good they did, we would be more able to judge the situation, although Jesus forbids us to judge in any way. Let's love each other, forgive our mistakes and give thanks for these two gifts that God has given us 🙂
Reply ↓ - Written by Jibitou | The
Interesting these exchanges on a priest that so few people know. Myself… Finally, I allow myself a few remarks. 1) I opened the site. This site is still quite ambiguous: is it that of the Father, of a group of parishioners, or the parish site? Nothing too embarrassing, except that it gives the image of a somewhat narcissistic priest, which he may not actually be2) On the fruits: I believe that we will really see the fruits in his parish in a few months or years, once his departure has been “digested”. What will remain? This is where we will really see the rooting of religious practice in this parish3) Without going into the details of his announcement of change, his new place, apparently accepted then refused (my God, it's like being in the middle of a football transfer window ), I said to myself that, given the charisms of this priest, he would be better off in a place that needs to be revitalized than rue du Bac, where the crowds are not weakening.4) Finally, on a personal level, I I tend to be wary of the "starification" of priests, a great danger whether for the faithful or for themselves. Let's pray for him!
Reply ↓ - Written by Barbey | The
Not knowing anything about Father Zanotti-Sorkin, I opened the link. What an outburst against Mme de Gaulmyn for an article that is all in all rather uncontroversial. It is curious to note that all these furious reactions make practically the same reproaches to him and in the same terms. This priest must have an exceptional ascendancy over his parishioners. »
Reply ↓ - Written by Laurence Heurté-Chappe | Le
Madeleine Delbrêl (in "We others, people of the streets", NouvellesCité, 2009) answered this: Christian mentality. In this mentality, the free gift of God, the gift of knowing what he is, the gift of acting as he wills, the gift of created life and of the redemptive Incarnation, has become a kind of innate property of the native Christian. , the hereditary good of Christian families. Gradually, faith in God, living faith in a living God, was confused with common sense belief in God. Gradually, the virtues of the Gospel became and were then confused with the virtues of the honest man. We are right there! Father ZS like my father Patrice Gourier have in them a living faith! But weren't Jesus in his time accused of having a disproportionate Ego and of sinning through pride?!!...
Reply ↓ - Written by Nicolas dSM | The
Let's stop all this out of pity!! We need unity not division!! And this kind of thing deeply wounds the heart of God... I find all these reactions unhealthy whether they are on one side or the other. I understand that the charismatic personality of Father Michel-Marie creates such enthusiasm, but put things in their place… I know the Father well for having shared a project close to his heart, and I have a deep brotherly affection for him. But I believe that this overmediatization of which he no longer controls much, in my opinion, serves him completely. Let's put things in their place: This story does not concern us…It concerns Father Michel-Marie and his bishop…Our duty as Christians is to pray for each other, to be witnesses of God's love and to be joyful actors of the new Evangelization!! My friends, let us not get lost, let us not concentrate on those who carry the Light, but on the Light Itself, the One who gives life and who enlightens us. Let us pray for Father Michel-Marie, so that he finds in the Church the place that the Lord wants for him, and that he continues to radiate the joy of the Gospel. Let us pray for Isabelle de Gaulmynn so that as as a journalist she enlightens us on matters of faith, and does not take pleasure in peddling gossip. Finally, let us pray for each other so that we may be one and that our joy may be perfect!! is the force of creation
Reply ↓ - Written by josefine | The
Stop! Leave this priest in peace! Let's stop talking about it! He alone knows in the depths of his being what he is before God... All the dioceses of the world have their free electrons, intermittent of the show or not... Where there are men there is manerie… whether he wants to be a “guru” or an actor is regrettable. For the rest, let's let go… Otherwise, let's talk about the nuns of the Sacred Heart of Paris who, after a nice mess, go to Notre Dame du Laus to welcome the pilgrims… You see silt everywhere… My God is stronger than that!!!
Reply ↓ - Written by Ppeop | The
The Pharisees have the floor. The appearance is smooth, posed, intelligent, they affirm believing they know and want to open their article to fundamental questions, such as obedience in the Church… Worse, Fr.MMZS would show “certain signs of instability for some time”, leaving some doubts. Here are the facts: What instability are you talking about when your parish is a place of stability and quasi-religious regularity that you sometimes do not find in certain convents or monasteries? says Guillaume's message, I have never heard the P.MMZS utter any disparaging words towards either his bishop or his brother priests. What is certain is that he implements what that he writes in "To the devil the tepidity" in his life.Dear Isabelle, you should have proposed your article to "Closer" whose title: "the Zanotti affair is properly seems so people and could even give your place to the P .MMZS who is a feather and above all who is, as you rightly say, very available and does not know where to go at the moment. He could write in your diary about Iraq and the recent events that you barely begin to speak after a deafening silence. So dear Isabelle, do not hesitate to take courageous decisions like Father MMZS. the editor-in-chief of Closer is called Laurence Pieau. Concorde and Madame de G., “since that day have become friends” and are polite to each other “dear Isabelle here, dear Aelred there”. their hearts are at war, as the psalmist would say. Fortunately, Sunday's Gospel comes to our rescue and refers us to Jesus' prayer and his thanksgiving: “Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I proclaim your praise. What you have hidden from the wise and learned you have revealed to the little ones. "You have revealed to us, according to your good pleasure, the heart of a priest who loves God. The tree will be judged by its fruits. We were able to taste it throughout these ten years in Marseille. And we give thanks to God.P.Pierre Etienne, Marseille
Reply ↓ - Written by eljojo | The
A few remarks are in order, in the hope of calming this somewhat tense discussion. First of all, we are here on Mme de Gaulmyn's blog, where she writes what she thinks, quite independently editorial line of the newspaper in general. Consequently, before criticizing a supposed "double standard", let us restrict ourselves to the strict content of this blog. Then, this "double standard" is completely normal, it corresponds to the passage of the Gospel " to whom much has been given, more will be asked”. The remark is caricatural, but a person claiming to be “of the Tradition” has received much more than the one who throws it away without reading it. In short, it is normal to be gentle with those who sin by ignorance, and to be harsh with those who sin knowingly. An example ? Ask Golias, or Monique Baujard, for a reflection on the theological meaning of the unity of the Church, and you will get nothing. Ask the same question to the SSPX, and you will have a reasoned reflection. In short, the fault of the Pharisee (one who knows the faith) is more serious than that of the tax collector (one who does not know it). is a very charismatic personality who has struggled to find his way, whose outspokenness disturbs many people, including his colleagues. But above all, as someone said above, there is too extreme and unhealthy infatuation around him. Good makes no noise, noise makes no good. However, it should also be noted that the words of Father Michel-Marie, although powerful and beautiful, quite often tend to persuade more than convince. He has the art of using the emotional cord, and it is precisely this that allows him to reach so many people, and that is very fortunate. But sometimes, that does not ring quite right, on this specific question of fidelity to one's bishop. Yes, our bishops are far from perfect, and some have attitudes that seem timid to say the least. But the priests promised them fidelity and obedience, loyalty and respect, at the very moment of their ordination. There is therefore a sacramental obedience here... which would have deserved to be developed. where they are incardinated. A priest has his own mission only insofar as he acts as an envoy of the bishop at all times. The priest does not draw his mission from the Pope, nor from his community, nor from his own charism, but from Christ through the exclusive channel of his bishop. Perhaps Father Michel-Marie lacks something of this manifestation in the priest of the presence of his bishop…
Reply ↓ - Written by Gilbert | The
Hello. As a diocesan priest of Marseilles for 47 years, I really disagree with your words, dear Isabelle, because during our deanery meetings, Father Michel-Marie was the only one to defend Bishop Pontier while the confreres attacked him viciously and this, on several occasions. I am not always in agreement with his pastoral methods because his radiance overshadows us but we must recognize that we are not always on point. Come on Isa, take some seed on his true obedience and store your jealousy in your pocket, you will surely have more readers!
Reply ↓ - Written by galinette13 | The
Before writing lies you should educate yourself and when all cannot be revealed keep quiet. Of course, there are good reasons for this change. It seems to me that if there is agreement from the bishop, there is no disobedience. It's as silly as that. Christ is not helped; in addition to catho-phobes we pay for ignoramuses who talk nonsense.
Reply ↓ - Written by Cécile d'Eaubonne | The
A trajectory that smells of sulfur? The future will tell us... Thanks to Isabelle Gaulmynn for pointing out the mist - beyond too much glitter. The Faith of a Christian does not cross paths only on bling bling roads… Even if singing, it feels good.
Reply ↓ - Written by Catherine | The
At the risk of adding fuel to the fire, let's remember that if there had been bishops and careful officials with MarcialMaciel, things might not have gotten to the point we know . MMZZ claims his affiliation with Marie-Dominique Philippe, whom we now know was a perverse manipulator. I don't know anything about MMZZ but that he takes a sabbatical year seems wise to me, to avoid the temptations of power over others. That the bishops and other leaders be prudent reassures me. And if what MMZZ does comes from God, well, it will live. In short, recent situations should inspire us with the greatest caution. Better to be a little too much and avoid disasters.
Reply ↓ - Written by falcon |
What is the use of information if it is not given in truth? Freedom, you know what it is? Live in the shoes of a priest for a day and give us another article. Obedience, easy to condemn…. Is our church well? Like our country? Can we talk about “Guru”? Should we always put evil in the Good? And if we were talking about Jesus? it’s strange, He died on a cross…..
Reply ↓ - Written by a | The
Madam, you should replace in your article the name of Father Zanotti by yours and that of your colleagues to remind you that you are also bound by obedience to the teaching of the Church, and this reminder would be beneficial
Reply ↓ - Written by alain Gavoty | The
I confess to being surprised and even more pained by the somewhat hasty, moralizing and inappropriate remarks that I was able to note in Isabelle de Gaulmyn's post. Would this lady have the privilege of knowing Father Michel-Marie Zanotti more than those who met him, rubbed shoulders with him and saw the intensity of his priesthood live in the modest and tireless merciful service of his permanent or passing parishioners over the 10 years he devoted to his intense ministry in St-Vincent de Paul in Marseille? What is the use of trying to shine worldly and inappropriately on such a delicate subject which implies restraint and discretion more than sterile, inaccurate and unwelcome comments…! Let time heal the wounds, misunderstandings, jealousies, shortcomings or cowardice of all kinds which punctuate the lives of certain religious and which water our daily lives and therefore do not escape the ministers of our "Holy Church" Everything predisposes me to believe that Madame de Gaulmyn does not know more than other the ins and outs of what animates the relations that Father MM Zanotti-Sorkin has always maintained in complete obedience (but with particularism and deep respect) with his bishop Mgr G.Pontier. Gospel” Pope Francis invites to make hearts burn: “Priests must prepare their sermons well to make the hearts of the faithful burn, otherwise they are irresponsible and dishonest…..” This is what he did in his own way , as others do with the same quality in their own way, Father Michel-Marie Zanotti-Sorkin. As for the artistic aspect of the latter, let us not forget too quickly what a certain Jean- Paul II, man of the theatre, strong communicator and galvanizer of crowds, pushing aside all obstacles and principles obstructing his path. He was beatified and canonized…..! to know, the care to sail in their own way towards this Holiness rich in diversity which the Church recognizes and honors.
Reply ↓ - Written by adrienne | The
I did not know this Mr. MMZS who has caused so much ink to flow and no doubt so much saliva, except through a few paragraphs in the newspapers; banal, what! It seems that he has a lot of admirers who take his defense here, unless it is only a question of a quarter of adorers who flood the site by multiplying the pseudonyms, all unknown, which is not very honest, especially since their words sometimes border on insulting. I am not sure that these manifestations of idolatry are really doing a service to this priest who precisely asked for the possibility of taking a step back. He will certainly find a monastery ready to welcome him for a cure of silence… Have a good retirement, Father! (It's sincere) What I see is that it is not yet this time that we will be able to discuss the question of obedience in the Catholic Church whether one is a presbyter or simply baptized.
Reply ↓ - Written by santiago64 | The
No credibility for “La Croix” which demands obedience from pious priests and covers up the indiscipline of rebellious priests.
Reply ↓ - Written by francois-régis | The
This priest has put me back on my feet, wish the CHURCH many holy priests like him. Let us pray for the Church, and for our priests.
Reply ↓ - Written by Monique | The
I specify, a relationship far removed from faith…for those who worship it…..
Reply ↓ - Written by Jasmina | The
I once heard a priest say that a certain kind of journalism was to reality what the ring road was to Paris. Isabelle, you don't want to take a vacation in the "heart of the Heart". This is our vocation as baptized people. That she is beautiful !
Reply ↓ - Written by Monique |
Bravo Isabelle and thank you to Martin, Eléonore and others. You just have to hear his homilies to understand this adulation which, in my humble opinion, has nothing to do with faith! What an artist…….
Reply ↓ - Written by Pascal Meuret | The
Mrs. Gaulmyn, reading your post, I think I hear the packs of Pharisees, scribes and (high) priests seeking at all costs to bring Jesus back to order. Disobedient, subversive, the Nazarene continued its mission, often on the margins of spaces of power, order and obedience… It is by its fruits that we recognize the tree. For my part, obedience and subversion are not necessarily opposites. One can go with the other. This priest no doubt has a conception of obedience that is contrary to what Church Law and Mrs. Gaulmyn recommend. the mission. In other words, even if it happens that there are no bishops, the priests and the baptized can continue the mission of announcing the gospel. Finally, why would you want to prevent it? he says Jesus, because he is not against us. May Bishop Pontier experience this situation as a suffering that is part of the mission.
Reply ↓ - Written by Eléonore | The
I would like to correct the end of my comment which seems to me inappropriate! To date, I do not know anyone who has committed suicide in this context and I would not like people to think that I am doubting father MMZS .I am only saying that if this very strong thesis of "love of friendship" is practiced by people, it could eventually lead to an irreparable gesture that is psychologically very fragile on the emotional level. . more of a heretic.
Reply ↓ - Written by rose | The
Nothing is greater and more beautiful than love 🙂You must not be ashamed to love and to be loved, to be touched by the love of Jesus who gave himself madly until 'on the cross for us, not to be put under a bushel but to share the light…and us, our hearts are still and always so too lukewarm!
Reply ↓ - Written by Eléonore |
Thank you Martin, your comment has the merit of being clear by emphasizing the personality of Father MD Philippe, whom Father Sorkine seduced by him, seized it by blending into him and cultivating famous thesis of “the love of friendship”. is only a drowsiness and a hand put of the spirits to bind and impregnate the people with the personality of the father and thus to gain their confidence and their durable love. Come on, listen to the end! find everywhere this overflow of love in Father MMZSIncluding in his homilies, it is only a question of love, with, among other things, the beautiful demonstration of the relationship between Christ and Saint John, his favourite. weaves very strong bonds between the father and the person by making him believe in an exclusive, passionate love. She will be completely devoted body and soul to this call. You become "dependent" on this love deployed in secret, but you will lose your soul... The great danger is very present when the person "under the influence" is no longer there is a break with the one who loved you in an exclusive way, one could say in a "divine" way. No one has the ability to love you that way! You will never be able to find this "divine" love anywhere with another person. (e) who commits suicide seeing no way out of this intolerable lack of love!
Reply ↓ - Written by marsault danielle | The
And if all the Catholics of Marseilles and elsewhere wanted to stop their calculations, to unite all in the common and fervent prayer? : “me I knew him”, “me this”, “me that”, a little humility!
Reply ↓ - Written by frede | The
Ninelen's words are wise. What a pity that they are a little "alone" in the middle of all the other reactions. Especially Isabelle keep your pen freedom! Michel Médiévis, the work you cite ordering and excluding is a reference for me too.
Reply ↓ - Written by jfsadys | The
Sometimes I dream of a Church with only a pope and priests. Bishops and cardinals once again becoming “simple” priests in charge of a parish. But of course I dream.
Reply ↓ - Written by Michel Médiéviste | The
I don't know what to answer to this question of obedience. I felt and still am pushed out by the remarks of traditionalist and fundamentalist minds who always wonder if I am Catholic and at best advise me to go see elsewhere. But despite its faults, its shortcomings, its errors, I remained in the Roman Church, not without questions and doubts. Better to stay inside than outside. It's not reassuring or exhilarating, I admit it, but it is, perhaps, more effective? As for those who exclude, who condemn, who anathematize, they only make visible the weakness of their positions. excommunications so dear to certain Brazilian bishops, God cannot exist without an infinite tenderness for those who seek (the lost sheep). , published in Paris, Aubier 1998 dedicated by a medievalist to Cluny in particular) which is and remains the mark of extreme weakness and deadly fear.
Reply ↓ - Written by Ninelene | The
I do not see how the Cross has sinned by progressivism about the Manif pour tous. I would like to support the newspaper and Isabelle de Gaulmyn for the balance of their points of view, which refuse pre-thought, pre-judgment, never give in to anathema, give reason to think and not just to approve, who never say what to do and believe, give elements and let us think for ourselves. I did all the demonstrations for everyone, which absolutely does not prevent me from understanding that committed Catholics are in favor of the Taubira law. And in this article, we cannot say that there is a lynching of Father MMZS, just a questioning, and it seems to me that anyone in favor of everyone exercising their critical mind can understand and approve of it. I completely agree with what Constance writes: there was a REAL communication problem. We have never heard of a sabbatical year: it would have been necessary to present things this way, it would have been simpler (but the place was not the best chosen for a discreet withdrawal). Let's listen to each other instead of throwing tomatoes at each other. Thank you Isabelle and thank you to the whole team.
Reply ↓ - Written by Felix Culpa | The
vain debate. As always everyone is right. IdG first then those who oppose his opinion with real arguments. Unfortunately the latter are rare and I especially read the surly ones who like to demolish by shooting people on sight. A few proposals: – Zanotti-Sorkine as center forward for France-Germany that could boost the morale of our compatriots. – To fight against unemployment, Rebsamen could call the good father. – Following which Pope Francis could apply to recover him. The last star priest that I almost supported was Canon Kir who offered as hostage to the Germans to save people from Dijon. Later he turned a bit of a clown.
Reply ↓ - Written by dominique Bargiarelli | The
Father Michel-Marie Zanotti-Sorkin, apologized to the CHAPELAIN of the miraculous Capelle for the trouble he caused this sanctuary in spite of himself, information not of primary importance but not secondary for all that, it seems to me. -he
Reply ↓ - Written by pascal guillot | The
"the affair": what a "sensational" title! While the church is very strongly divided by political and liturgical quarrels... in the midst of an identity and economic crisis which awakens old demons, I I find it hard to understand this title and these comments when one only has to look at the “day of the Lord” to see the dumbing down of the liturgy in the “animation” sauce that everyone seems to be used to. (sweetened drinks have their effect).
Reply ↓ - Written by Alba | The
What an avalanche!!!!Yes the article seems imprudent to me, and I had a hard time reading it because it is locked today from the summary of the newspaper…. I ended up finding an access… It would be good to respect everyone, including the one who wrote it. treatment of problems of society and faith Among other things on the family, gender…etc…. This goes well beyond this article and has been palpable for some time now… This is serious and deserves to be heard, any ideology leading to destruction…. Realism and ideology being incompatible…. (but this seems unknown to most "enarques") Is your editorial line intended to be as close as possible to facts and faith, or have you yielded, as so many comments tend to say, to a another seduction?
Reply ↓ - Written by HUGUENY | The
I do not know that La Croix is an official organ of the Church and thus bound to obey any magisterium - as I thought I read above. IdG's freedom of writing is that given to him by his employer.
Reply ↓ - Written by BénédSenlis | The
I am saddened by such an article. I wonder what the purpose is? The motive indeed seems to be related to jealousy… This priest put all his energy into working for the glory of God and the salvation of the world. May God bless him. Let us look for a moment at the magnificent life of our good holy Curé of Ars… He too arrived in a dying parish. He too worked for the return of divine worship in his parish. He too drew crowds. He too was tired, exhausted. He also WANTED to leave, twice, to run away!! And he himself signed a petition from parishioners asking for his departure, a petition that ended up on the desk of his bishop… Do not interfere in the life and torments of a priest. Who are you to judge so with great assurance the life, the desires, the choices of this good father? Shame on you and your newspaper for fueling such a controversy full of pride and jealousy!! What objective? Disunity is a tangible sign of the presence of Satan, it is all his work. Who are you playing into? Christ addresses these words to you, to you too, Madam: may he who has never sinned cast the first stone...
Reply ↓ - Written by aurelie | The
A tree can be recognized by its fruit…Thank you for everything Father Michel-Marie! As for the fruits of your magazine, everyone is free to judge the flavor…delectable or detestable…slander is not one of my favorite fruits.
Reply ↓ - Written by pear | The
Really, sweep outside your door and dispense with your stammering considerations on the obedience of others! good Catholic morality full of good feelings and a beautiful boxwood language!
Reply ↓ - Written by Constance | The
Good… I tried to hold myself back, but enough is enough… STOP! We stop the collective delirium with Father Michel-Marie, we stop crying conspiracy. When one does not know, one is silent, at worst one asks, at best one prays. Father MMZS had obtained from his bishop Mgr. the Miraculous Medal, rue du Bac, had agreed to welcome him among the confessors of the chapel. The Archbishop of Paris did not object. Being on a sabbatical year, Father MMZS would not have had any other ministry in the diocese. In another time, we read that the rector accepted then he refused and the official reason is “too great piety and affluence”. Is this really the reason for his refusal? The rector was clearly aware of the personality of the father and the influx that his arrival would cause, it is just unthinkable that he discovered the notoriety of the father after having accepted his arrival. To be parachuted into the Medal for a year sabbatical, it means that MMZS had other projects that he does not talk about, and that is his right. Just as announcing his departure before his actual appointment seems to stem from a magic dose of trust in the Virgin Mary (and perhaps a lack of prudence…) who finally decided otherwise.God knows how I am from ordinary more than critical and hard towards the French episcopate in general, with Monseigneur Pontier and XXIII in particular, but there everyone glosses over what he does not know. We stop, we breathe, we try to be a bit and we use our common sense. We are making the story of the century when all this has no place. see the pile of comments more ignorant than each other. Are there only a few of us who have read and heard that it was HE who asked for a sabbatical year, that it was HE who asked to leave? The father's major mistake is not to to have put it simply, namely that he was taking a sabbatical year to devote himself to artistic projects. Suddenly, everyone imagined that he would have a kind of parish at rue du Bac, which was never planned or agreed. The lack of clarity in the various departure announcements, when we know how much his slightest deed and gesture are publicized, led to an outcry which, once again, has no reason to be. The reasons for his departure, that he didn't dare, didn't want to say them, it's up to him. In Paris or elsewhere, it's up to him. But yes, he does not hide having a project he wants to take care of, he certainly does not have to report on it in the public square, but the delirium that this provokes, in particular vis-à-vis the bishops, is not fair. not acceptable, it is not healthy that we take advantage of this opportunity to spit on the Church of France (of which I am the first to recognize the shortcomings, and sometimes with very little Charity, I confess.) . This hurts the hearts and souls of the faithful, and our Church is already torn enough not to add to it with useless disputes and calculations. Paris or elsewhere) for which he was ordained in order to devote himself to his artistic projects. not help him. To conclude, I simply wish to specify that I have known Father Michel-Marie for a long time, that I owe him a lot and that I love him enormously. But I believe that Love presupposes Truth. Love without regard True and objective would not be. May Mary and the Holy Spirit soothe all hearts and guide Father Michel-Marie on the road that God wants for him, by the voice (and the way) of his Church.
Reply ↓ - Written by JPM | The
A few excited people met on this page to take 40 different nicknames and post outraged reactions of vituperating tradis… it's ridiculous. As for judging the tree by its fruits, it takes a little more time. For example, the founder of the St John community was praised, yet he turned out to be a manipulator whose work is collapsing.
Reply ↓ - Written by Ninelene | The
The least we can say, reading these comments, is that the question does not leave anyone indifferent (and that Christian charity still has a lot of room for improvement). It's quite representative of the climate that surrounds Father Zanotti, whom I esteem for his availability, his culture, his sometimes welcome outspokenness (sometimes completely excessive, not to say worse), his taste for beauty, his love for people distant from the Church, his passion for the mission, his refusal of simplism, his taste for God and the Church; and which annoys me (even worse), for his taste for showmanship, his claim to hold the Truth against everyone, the high idea he has of himself, his incapacity for any kind of teamwork (not don't talk to him about pastoral advice), his desire to manage everything as he sees fit. Hence the extreme complexity of his relations with Bishop Pontier, who is all humanity, humility, discretion and discernment. There was created around the father an unhealthy atmosphere of unconditional adorers and venomous detractors, and let's not say that Christ was the same, that has nothing to do with it. I was very surprised to learn that he would go to rue du Bac: if we add the tourists from all over the world, those from Paris, the locals AND the international fans of the MMZS club, we have to enlarge the chapel!!! And I don't think he would have overshadowed the chaplain... but rather the Virgin! So I think it's very healthy for him to go somewhere else, preferably to a corner where this effervescence could subside a little before he goes to revive faith in a backwater that is just waiting for him to resuscitate, at least punctually. Now another question arises: will the faith sown by the father evaporate when he turns on his heels? It is the future that will tell if his ministry will have been of the wind or of the Breath...
Reply ↓ - Written by arnaud41 | The
In this short comment, I am not referring to the parish ministry of this priest, a particularly fruitful ministry according to many, but to everything that appears on the occasion of his departure. A character emerges.
Reply ↓ - Written by arnaud41 | The
Thank you Isabelle! Thank you Martin, Flo, Parish, Hélène, Éléonore and a few others! You have to know how to stay small, the Sunday gospel will tell us.
Reply ↓ - Written by do | The
when we see the journey of Father Maurice Zundel, which began exactly like that of Father Zanotti-Sorkin, and who ended at the papal household, we worry less. he may be leaving because he feels in danger of something… or called to something else. but through the *Church, God puts him on a path that he probably does not know in advance. obedience to his conscience remains first, as for all baptized people, and this was reaffirmed at Vatican II.
Reply ↓ - Written by Martin | The
Zanotti-Sorkine is in a seduction that does not at all resemble the words of Jesus in the Gospels… it's scary…. he himself was once seduced by Father Marie Do. In his sermons put online by "seduced" parishioners (we see how the chain of seduction happens... which can then become a chain of influence in sectarian excesses), he is very moralizing, that's what disturbs the most. It is certain that he has talent at the oratorical level. The liturgies in his church leave no room for women (besides he only says “my brothers” in his sermons…) no room for modernity. He seems to live like a "curé d'Ars", very "old-fashioned". And yet, the Curé of Ars worked closely with some of his parishioners... His parishioners, who should be highlighted on the site, we don't talk about them: there's only him... It's a liturgical spectacle who moves the crowds, his sermons too; but it is very very seductive and it disturbs me deeply; we don't need to make effects (emphatic or otherwise) to talk about Christ, it doesn't "fit" with Jesus. He never "seduces" (by external attributes or effects) but leaves his interlocutors entirely FREE. that of highlighting it… Anyway, there is a whole fringe of practicing Catholics who can only live their faith in slavery to a “Father”, to a “Master”… Because, in the end, it is always me , moi, moi… To tell the truth, when you rub shoulders with him Sunday after Sunday, you don’t even notice it anymore, because you are captured by a seductive oratorical style… But, all the same, what nerve and what unconsciousness, to say publicly last Sunday: “On June 8, I announced my departure from Marseilles for the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal in Paris where a ministry of confessions awaited me. A few days after this official announcement, the local Father Chapelain told me of his concern about the enthusiasm that my coming was arousing. After having estimated that this popular enthusiasm was not compatible with the life of the Chapel, he told me that he could no longer welcome me. Really I am sorry to have disturbed in spite of myself and from a distance, the organization of this high place. My coming… popular enthusiasm… disturbs from a distance… and what else? Ah, isn't there a psychoanalyst in the readers, to give us some keys to understanding such egocentrism?
Reply ↓ - Written by Joachim | The
Calm down, calm down, don't judge and we won't be judged. Fr. MMZS has only the qualities that the Lord has given him. Let us therefore not be jealous, rather let us rejoice in all the good that this priest has accomplished in the Lord. NSJC also, by its qualities, attracted on him many jealousies and gossip. NSJC too was adored sometimes in a thoughtless way. He has the wisdom to withdraw from the Reformed church. Fr. MMZS is now accused of disobedience. I think he is smart enough to relish this accusation which I hope does not hold water and to respond to it when the time comes. We pray for him and for his enemies.
Reply ↓ - Written by Bernard L. | The
I call on you journalist of the Cross! If this Priest is not in perfect communion with his Church, then what Priest and Bishop is. He does not decide his life alone as you suggest, he he knows, in his devotion to the Blessed Virgin that his life belongs only to Christ. If you had (me too, I recognize it), a hundredth of his faith, humility and love you would not speak like that. Precisely, this Priest disturbs you because he is obedient towards his Church, our Church. He respects the sense of the sacred and is one of the 5% of priests who apply the rules and liturgy of Vatican II as they should. This kind of article is sickening! This newspaper, which I will not buy and I will never advise is Catholic only by title!
Reply ↓ - Written by jejomau | The
red priests don't "pick" him because he saves souls and does a good jobGod shows up when he wants and where he wants PREFERRING some souls to others because HE is... God and that HE does what HE wants Obey.
Reply ↓ - Written by Pellegrin | The
This article should never have seen the light of day: both by its content, which even if it were founded, would not be intended to be published in a newspaper that wants to be Christian because Christ recommends that we not not to judge whereas this article sounds like a judgment and not a simple appreciation; only by the reactions it triggers: division backbiting wickedness… Everything that makes the Heart of Christ bleed who gave his life so that we could live from his love. Out of pity, and out of love of God: let these judgments on both sides cease. And that kind of articles disappear.
Reply ↓ - Written by Alain | The
It is however not difficult to understand that the "beloved brother" Michel-Marie wants to get closer to his fundamentalist fraternity of the Holy Apostles that he has just created and that Mgr Léonard, archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels , welcomed with open arms in his diocese! All this is only a maneuver of the artist Michel-Marie who has the art of staging…
Reply ↓ - Written by flo | The
What violence in all these remarks, especially on the part of the supporters of this priest. He did an admirable job in Marseille OK. I still find it strange that he announces himself, with trumpets, his arrival (which no one has asked for) at the chapel on rue du Bac. It's me Zorro, I'm coming!!!!! But the chapel on rue du Bac is not dying. It is always full and given the din surrounding this self-nomination, I understand that the chaplain has backed down!
Reply ↓ - Written by anabelle | The
You can write whatever you want, the truth always ends up coming out in the open. Gossip hurts our God who teaches us pure and unconditional love, which PMMZS knows so well how to show us! And love will never pass and overcome all obstacles 🙂
Reply ↓ - Written by Sibuet | The
This article, from a newspaper that staunchly supports the most rebellious progressives in Rome, is a fine example of self-righteousness. Order item, probably.
Reply ↓ - Written by dominique Bargiarelli | The
Here is a priest resuscitating a moribund parish by giving himself body and soul to it by providing hospitality in his parish 17 hours a day, well, no! this priest is only proud and nothing else and it would undoubtedly be catastrophic if his colleagues imitated him, and then: he wears the cassock. What a scandal indeed!!! As for his bookstore successes, this only proves that he is a follower of demagogy without any possible doubt And then it is gratifying to note that La Croix is suddenly very finicky about the obedience of the Priests with regard to their Bishop. It is unquestionably new! No doubt it is difficult to live with such a personality, no doubt about it, but to speak of the Zanotti-Sorkin affair is truly unworthy.
Reply ↓ - Written by josefine | The
Hey yes he even sang a song to the glory of "Father MARIE-DO!!! But let's not talk about it anymore!!! Let's not give him a theater stage!!!Otherwise let's also talk about Joseph Marie Verlinde!!!There will always be free electrons in the Church full of themselves but only God knows where his own are!!!This article does not is useful to anyone, too bad… Better to speak of the humble of the Church… Who do their job in silence….
Reply ↓ - Written by PAC | Le
Madame Gaulmyn, I agree with the comments submitted. What hypocrisy on the part of the newspaper La CROIX. This newspaper is the first to criticize the magisterium and here he is, like a Pharisee, coming to give moral lessons on the obedience to the bishopWhat is the purpose of this article?Destroy and destroy again.Why not write articles that edify? Articles that would talk about the love of God, his mercy, the sacraments, etc. I can advise you, for this work, a priest from Marseilles, currently on a sabbatical year.PAC
Reply ↓ - Written by Eléonore | Le
@paroissienneFinally you wake up and realize that you have some doubts about the father's site, congratulations! eyes when one opens his site it is the media glory which is put forward with the interviews on the radio, press of France and elsewhere. Any competition to put forward his literary and artistic successes which seem to be at the zénith.Coming soon a CD of 12 songs, a play .. in Paris, we better understand the why of the capital… everything is said!. The possibility of buying at the procures, his books and CDs which have appeared in quick succession, is very "high-profile" and worthy of a business man! "Love, glory and beauty" would be very appropriate to qualify the site of father MM, alas !To silence all this media hype, the father should close the site “the friends of the MMZS father”…which is a matter of mind manipulation!“Qui trop embrassemal étreint! »
Reply ↓ - Written by jb | The
As you probably know, 'God vomits the lukewarm', Madame de Gaulmyn...For once a priest can move mountains, no offense to his hierarchy, we practicing Catholics can only rejoice!
Reply ↓ - Written by Paroissienne | The
All these twitts and press releases pushed me to read more seriously than I had done until then the blog of Fr. Zanotti-Sorkine “De l’amour en splinters”. I must admit that I am very embarrassed by the hagiographic tone of many articles, whether it is his "Life Path" or "Proust's questionnaire"... "To integrate such a personality into the workings of the Church, nothing was simple", is explained to justify his passage through different religious orders... "Finally, by a final rebound caused by many hardships, he decided to join the secular clergy, in order to have greater freedom of stock ". Ah good? "In a very short time, this one (note: its parish) has become one of the main spiritual centers of the Marseille city". "Press articles, radio, television, have reported on the enthusiasm aroused by this large-scale pastoral action". etc etc As for the question “what is your favorite virtue”, Fr. Zanotti answers “magnanimity or conquered humility”, the basic parishioner – and in this case the parishioner! – can legitimately have some doubts… On the other hand, I can easily imagine that integrating “such a personality” into any team should not be easy!
Reply ↓ - Written by Eléonore | Le
@Marie-José GrimaldiYou are apologizing for Father MMZS, because you saw him work and give his all in your parish which was moribund and he rose again with faith and conviction, very well! work that one asks of a priest who has a faith in moving mountains, who loves his priesthood and who assumes it with great conviction. We have examples in the countries of Europe or Asia, where priests with as much of conviction risk their lives to defend the Catholic faith and they do just as fruitful work and their task is immense. This is not the case of MMZS, it seems to me! All this seems to me a little exaggerated in the facts which denounce "his art of being free" in relation to himself, but especially to his bishop. He acts as a free electron! "True greatness is not born in pride but in humility" John 5:41 It is pointing the finger at a priest who announces his departure himself, then a second announcement without having not the coveted place the Miraculous Medal. Marie loves the Truth and she showed him that one cannot cheat! He hid from you his departure for a sabbatical year (see his appointment by an internal note from the Diocese of Paris /06/14) and this is adding bitterness to you, his parishioners who are already well affected. sabbatical until September 2015 without fanfare! It is by decision of Bishop Di Falco…, you wonder about “where does this man take his inspiration? think” and in the exhaustive list, there is a certain Marie Dominique Philippe, the founder of the community of Saint Jean, intellectual seducer whom his community called “guru”… nothing to add! 307_7_fondateur_venere/307_7_1_confession_fervent_admirateur.pdf Like his mentor, we will not be surprised to see a "certain influence" on the people he met and he fascinated them with his intellectual, but also affective seductions...Father MMZS even wrote a special homily for Fr. MDP. “I do not derive my glory from men” John 5:41 That says it all!
Reply ↓ - Written by Grandsire | Le
Isabelle, I'm sorry but you just tired me with your article. Yes slander, slander: about Father Marie Dominique Philippe last year, now about Father Zanotti; but then rejoice in what is good instead of feeding demons of jealousy with gossip! Please, for heaven's sake!
Reply ↓ - Written by Monique | The
I am sad and disappointed by all these calculations which suggest that we have nothing else to do but to criticize without knowing, or knowing so little and perhaps not of the main parties concerned, who are entitled to respect for what they have said, and to discretion as long as they have not said more. “A small fire can set a huge forest ablaze… The tongue is a fire! By it we bless the Lord and Father, and by it we curse men made in the image of God! It must not be so, my brothers, » St. James reminds us in his letter. Let us rather concern ourselves with our Christian brothers who are persecuted and martyred at this moment. So many continue to die, because of their faith. May our thoughts and our fraternal prayer support them in their daily, family ordeal, which never ends, which destroys their country and an entire generation.
Reply ↓ - Written by Martin | Le
Tsoin, tsoin... what a media charivari around a change of ministry of a priest... With very predictable setbacks! Really what an inflation of clumsy and contradictory press releases, which show how much we are in a great show organized to the glory of Father MMSZ. How far we are from the obedience experienced by diocesan priests who regularly assume changes in their lives of ministry requested by their bishop. This is the subject of a half-line in the diocesan bulletin, another on the diocesan website; possibly a photo in the local newspapers around the farewell drink or the installation mass… And the parishioners are not going to spread their tearful comments on the internet! "But it's probably that the priest is too plain", will say the friends of MMSZ...Because the reactions of the saddened groupies on the Facebook page of the "friends of MMSZ" are worth their weight in gold to discern without great difficulty a case of spiritual sway and seduction… All these good people are chloroformed and swayed, without even realizing it, and chanting their Hosanna of followers. This is not very surprising, because Father MMSZ had an illustrious master in the matter: Father Marie-Dominique Philippe, himself a great seducer, to the point of plundering a whole youth of good families who paid homage to him as to a guru. Do you read these lines with astonishment? This would not be the case on the Facebook page of the "Friends of MMSZ", because this type of post is systematically and immediately removed! This is called censorship, and it is also a sign of enslavement to the Master… Moreover, on the “delamoureneclats” site, is there any mention once of anyone other than Father MMSZ? Is he therefore alone in looking after this parish? Are there no lay people? Followers, please open your eyes, and stop singing praises ad majorem zorkini gloriam!
Reply ↓ - Written by marie-pierre | The
Who talks about “business”? who calls into question the "obedience" of father mmzs, how to speak of "logic which seems more concerned with following their personal aspirations"... I see only you at the moment... your words which slip here and there into an intention where no one has his place, call into question the service of this priest within his diocese and in full communion with the Church. Who are you Madam to allow you to judge a priest whose immense pastoral work you should ONLY recognize. But yes, simply, with a free look, look!! I therefore refer you to your paper, to your last words especially evoking the freedom that one can have vis-à-vis oneself ... And then, your diary being read by many priests, I do not find it judicious one of them whose priestly radiance is undeniable... the harvest is abundant, do not break the enthusiasm of the workers... Fortunately the photo is beautiful, we contemplate Christ there shown by one of them…
Reply ↓ - Written by jejomau | The
in any case the priests who stay behind their photocopier with their club of grannies-curlers…. do not evangelize anything! He has only to do like Saint Jean-François Régis who walked through valleys and hills, evangelizing, confessing, catechizing…. and who died like this, at night, on the side of a road, frozen with cold but having given his life to God for the greatest Salvation of souls...
Reply ↓ - Written by MARANDET Christian | The
To Grimaldi Marie-José,There is no reason to doubt that Father Zanotti is a man of prayer, a charismatic, an apostle of today, a holy man. Don't make it a god! At the end of his sabbatical year (if it is indeed that), he will certainly find a parish or a place of pilgrimage that will welcome him. Why shouldn't he return to Marseilles, the diocese where, canonically, he is "incardinated"? I don't think Bishop Pontier will refuse his return;
Reply ↓ - Written by josefine | The
Let's leave this priest in peace, atypical it is true, but that does not justify writing such an article about it, otherwise why not write one about the Bishop of Quimper?...Dear Isabelle, don't let yourself be fooled... There are much more important things, ask DD 23 he's in the middle of a cassock of unclear stories and we have to move on. Damage…
Reply ↓ - Written by jean luc charcoalneau |
I admit to being very saddened to learn that Father Zanotti-Sorkine is the subject of unworthy polemics on the part of the official Catholic media, of which your newspaper is a part….. This man is a saint, to say the least. not doubt. Many sincere Catholics feel it this way… He is the chance of a diocese and more broadly of the whole Church…. He speaks of God, with unforgettable words… I have never been to Marseilles, (unfortunately I lives too far away), but I have listened to his homilies many times on the internet… I am still moved when I mention him. There is an emergency situation in the Church. And I hope that our Pope Francis will realize that men of his spiritual stature are a blessing for a Church, sadly remarkable otherwise, for its almost total absence of fruit….
Reply ↓ - Written by JEAN |
Madame de Gaulmyn is still just as biased and biased. When it is a question of relaying very positively the campaigns of denigration of the teaching of the Church on the synod for the family, the priests who militate for marriage, there the notion of obedience has little meaning for this journalist who serves La Croix by making it miss out on the new generation which paid off the Marxist staleness of May 68… Soon Le Figaro will do better than La Croix
Reply ↓ - Written by Grimaldi Marie josé | The
no doubt exhausted, Father Michel-Marie (and I know what I'm talking about being part of his (sorry soon ex) parish needs to refocus on prayer (he's a mystic) 10 years of an exhausting schedule! He never preached for "his" church but for the Church! dying he made a place of light, of faith, of love, how unfortunate it is that the rue du Bac is deprived of this man of prayer!But, and Jesus is the greatest example of this, are we only once prophet in our country! Notoriety that frightens?, Why him, the Priests of Gap remain priests, it must be said that their bishop is at their side... Charismatic? Oh! how much, but shouldn't all priests cultivate this " There remains the balance sheet: 1000 baptisms including 260 adults, conversions by the shovel, the unanimous friendship of an entire neighborhood that is very few Christians (many attended the farewell Mass) and now this is what we said: “Really, I don't like departures… Anyway, I don't leave because nothing ever ends, starting with the love that I have for you and that I take with me! So we will stay together, believe it, you are in me forever.” Gentlemen moralizers ask yourselves: Where does this man draw his inspiration? . Other priests succeed him (as an irony 3 to replace 1) of great value do not doubt it(, well we do not doubt it), but the soul of the Reformed, our Saint-Vincent de Paul church has name Father Michel-Marie and his voice will remain under its vaults.
Reply ↓ - Written by leopold St John | The
When will the newspaper La CROIX show total and complete obedience to the Church? We sometimes read small temptations of Gallicanism between the lines. Father Zanotti is a totally given man. He would have done a lot of good by confessing rue du Bac. I hope that the Blessed Virgin is preparing an even more wonderful next step for him. Let us pray dear brothers
Reply ↓ - Written by Ludovic | The
Thanks to Guillaume for his message. I still laugh to see the Cross talking about obedience. Chiche! No more questioning of the magisterium in this journal. More critical articles on bishops not in line with the newspaper.
Reply ↓ - Written by Semeradova | The
The Cross giving a lesson in obedience to the Church, it's superb! Let this so-called Catholic newspaper think about it when it publishes, for example, articles in favor of the marriage of priests that the Church in its centuries-old good sense obviously does not intend to allow. As Audiard said, we recognize c… by the fact that they dare everything!
Reply ↓ - Written by Jean Paranque | The
How not to be shocked when you headline: “The Zanotti Sorkine affair”!!! Will he have to be indicted?? What a shame that jealousies are manifesting within the clergy.
Reply ↓ - Written by CASABIANCA Dominique | The
What you call the ZANOTTI-SORKINE affair is, from my point of view, a pretext to discredit this zealous pastor in full communion with his archbishop. You want to demonstrate, without succeeding, that Father ZANOTTI would consider himself a free electron who, seized with a sudden amnesia, would have forgotten his answer on the day of his priestly ordination "I promise" Your gratuitous statement does not engage than you, but it has the consequence of scandalizing all those who have had the chance to meet this good pastor. "In the Church, charity is a commodity for export, said a priest and how right he was". celebrated last Sunday in a packed church.
Reply ↓ - Written by flo | The
I naively believed that an incardinated priest in a diocese received his mission from his bishop, and therefore from the Church, and that he did not attribute it to himself! It seems that the chaplain of rue du Bac didn't ask for anything but maybe we don't know everything. The chapel in rue du Bac, however, is always full. She did not wait for Father Zanotti for this, she only needs Our Lady. Too strong !
Reply ↓ - Written by Bruno Lafon | Le
This press article reveals a total ignorance of the remarkable work carried out by Father Michel-Marie Zanotti-Sorkin. I wonder if the journalist is aware of the impressive number of faithful at Father Michel-Marie's masses both during the week and on Sundays when many churches are empty? Did she hear about his liturgies and sermons? Has she been able to measure his availability, his charismatic and unifying momentum? For me, Father Michel-Marie is a fine example of priesthood that goes far beyond the borders of the Diocese of Marseille. I sincerely hope that his work will be recognized and that where he will be he may continue to develop a dynamic and attractive pastoral life
Reply ↓ - Written by Philippe Fayet | The
The parish of the Reformed presents the most beautiful social mix of which the church can dream….the more conversion…the more baptism it is on the margins as our Pope wishes and you: do you criticize? I pray for him and for my Church, that she live from the Gospel and not from criticism which is a poison.
Reply ↓ - Written by Pierre-Nicolas | The
I thank Mrs. de Gaulmyn for this beautiful plea in favor of obedience. I hope it will serve us again when it comes to denouncing concubinary priests, those who take liberties with the liturgy of the Church, or even those who openly preach opinions foreign to the faith of the Church. Obedience to the Church, Madame de Gaulmyn, are you so certain that you apply it to yourself, as a Catholic journalist?
Reply ↓ - Written by Hélène | The
Father MMZS did not tell his parishioners that he had asked for a "sabbatical year", why lie to his faithful who must be disappointed? The father wants to show and keep in the eyes of his "friends on facebook » a very « charismatic » image by offering them a message to contain the hysterical overflow of his followers! Zanotti-Sorkine/287589848058866The internal note of the Diocese of Paris dated 06/18/14 is quite clear: “Fr. sabbatical year. The chaplain of the Miraculous Medal, rue du Bac, accepted to welcome him among the confessors of the chapel. The Archbishop of Paris did not oppose it. Being a sabbatical year, Fr. Zanotti Sorkine will have no other pastoral ministry in the diocese. By independently announcing his departure for the Miraculous Medal, this earned him a boomerang in the face and he must now face this painful ordeal. It is a crucial choice that remains for him if he does not want to get lost in the twists and turns of his life. How to reconcile the life of a priest with an oversized ego and that of an artist-writer (which he knew to become a priest) recognized on the way to becoming famous with lots of projects in Paris (see his site). "I do not draw my glory from men" John 5:41 The obedience of the priest configures to Christ and the bishop wants to be like the others, successors of the Apostles. is not born of pride but of humility.” James 4:10
Reply ↓ - Written by Etienne |
Ms de Gaulmyn, There is a certain consensus about your article. We are, apparently a majority to consider it oriented and misinformed. You are very far from the truth, and you only extrapolate with a certain slander (probably you do not notice it). I believe that journalistic work sometimes requires silence when the information we have is not clear. Moreover, it seems urgent to me that Catholics stop shooting each other in the leg. We cannot imagine the harm we can do by criticizing each other. One thing is even worse: indifference. So let's be united, let's support each other to announce our Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, I think it's good to ask you for an apology, which would appease everyone because your article stirs up tensions. Out of respect for Monsignor Pontier and Father Zanotti-Sorkin, it would be good to say that these stories do not concern us, so we will not talk about them any more.
Reply ↓ - Written by CRICRI28 | The
As usual THE CROSS next to the plate. Of course Fr. Michel-Marie must embarrass some of his confreres, jealousy in the air. The chaplain of Rue du Bac must also be afraid that he will overshadow him. May the Virgin Mary support him and quickly show him the place where he will be welcomed with joy.
Reply ↓ - Written by Rattus |
Congratulations to the newspaper La Croix for this reminder to obedience to which all priests must submit. I therefore hope that from now on you will not fail to recall this with as much firmness when a priest or a religious comes to criticize in your columns the dogmas of the Catholic Church, the discipline of celibacy, etc. Or else, there would be two weight two measures which unfortunately, unless I'm mistaken, I would tend to suspect.
Reply ↓ - Written by ilène | The
This priest is a holy man. The bishops have long been completely overwhelmed by what is happening in the Church in France (I know what I am talking about, I have one in my family!). We could take many examples: demonstration against gay marriage, rapprochement with traditions, emergence of new communities, development of ecclesia dei communities, etc. They seem totally disconnected from what is happening among the faithful. With a few exceptions, remarkable exceptions that I salute.
Reply ↓ - Written by Duboscq | Le
A holy priest who sets an example for a generation of young priests and opens the way to renewal in the parishes of France. The Virgin Mary chooses as always instruments despised by the elites and thereby does her work in hearts.
Reply ↓ - Written by MARANDET Christian | The
I understand, Isabelle, your point of view. The obedience of a diocesan priest to his bishop is indeed of a sacramental order. It is also true that in the Church as in so-called civil society, sometimes emerge personalities who could be described, rightly or wrongly, as charismatic; personalities who impose themselves, not by opposition to their bishop, but by qualities which are specific to them and which make them “out of the ordinary people” and some can sometimes, not only take advantage of them, but also abuse them. That Father Zanotti-Sorkin wanted to put his talents at the service of a very popular place of pilgrimage like that of rue du Bac in Paris, one can understand; Mgr Pontier, Archbishop of Marseille does not seem to have opposed it. The reaction of the rector of the rue du Bac can also be justified; this Lazarist Father perhaps fears that the arrival of a confrere such as Father Zanotti-Sorkin, will overshadow him and that this place of pilgrimage will eventually become a gathering place for the "fans" of Father Zanotti . This kind of "charismatic" personalities has known, for about fifty years, a considerable rise. In our Holy Church, we have moved perhaps a little too much, from the authority of the function to that of the person, which can pose a certain number of problems and, naturally, arouse envy and jealousy, it is human ! In Paris, we can cite the example of Cardinal Lustiger; when he was pastor of Sainte-Jeanne de Chantal, his pastoral practice and his homilies were almost at odds with his colleagues; when he was bishop of Orléans and then archbishop of Paris, he did what he wanted, not hesitating to "break priestly lives". In these relationships between bishops and priests within a diocese, you have to manage the human factor and that has never been easy. I hope that Father Zanotti-Sorkine will regain his place in the “diocesan clergy” with the firm intention of serving the Church of Christ, and not his own Church!
Reply ↓ - Written by judicael | The
“J’adore” when La Croix explains to us obedience in the Church….
Reply ↓ - Written by Lucie | The
Once again, La Croix is off the mark. In any case, we hope that you will be able (with the person with the nickname Concorde) to bring out such comments on obedience and communion, where they have their place, in your articles evoking activism in favor of the distortion of marriage, which is manifestly and radically opposed to the teaching of the Church.
Reply ↓ - Written by pascal guillot | The
Why isn't there more questioning about the bling bling, the gestures, the ditties and other childish agitations that have the imprimatur?
Reply ↓ - Written by Jacques d'Alançon | The
She didn’t understand anything!!!
Reply ↓ - Written by Guillaume | The
Your article is therefore based on the sole impression that Archbishop Pontier “surrendered” to the wishes of Fr. Zanotti-Sorkine. It is true that this man is an extraordinary personality. Nevertheless, he remained in obedience to his bishop, as an incarnate priest in the diocese of Marseilles. He is not a religious. Obedience does not exclude discussion. Every year, Bishop Pontier asks his priests in January to find out their wishes and availability. Fr. Zanotti remained within this framework, fixed by his bishop himself. sanction decided by Mgr Pontier who would have liked to get rid of a cumbersome priest. The relationship between these two men is woven of mutual respect, sometimes also of incomprehension, as in any human relationship. And I must give this testimony to Fr. Zanotti that I have never (literally: never, not once) heard him criticize Bishop Pontier. As a priest, he is very fraternal towards his confreres. As dean of the "Old Port" sector, he did a remarkable job, especially in relations between priests, as a true craftsman of communion. What a pity that your article is based on impressions, ideas, and not factual reality of these events.
Reply ↓ - Written by Jean pierre | The
Again and again of Gossip that slowly kills the Church of God. May he who has done so much to spread the message of the gospel and who has given himself 14 hours a day to his parishioners for 10 years throw the first stone. Father Michel Marie is a saint, I'm not afraid to say it, what priest receives whoever wants it every day after mass until 11 p.m., what priest has transformed a church doomed to destruction into the largest parish in Marseille ., with 800 people at his mass with a cathedral-like silence at the consecration and three quarters on their knees….. The father gave back to the word priesthood its true meaning. Criticisms of him are just jealousy or worse malevolence,
Reply ↓ - Written by dominique Bargiarelli | The
Do we not judge a tree by its fruits? But the fruits of Father ZANOTTI are far from being tasteless /. So yes, he undoubtedly has faults, but who does not?
Reply ↓ - Written by Arnold |
I believe that you are confusing submission to one's bishop with obedience... diocesan priests do not take a vow of obedience in the strict sense and I find your penultimate paragraph quite excessive. These are beautiful spiritual considerations but probably a little ethereal? And we need strong personalities like that of Father Zanotti so do we refrain from giving such a clear-cut opinion on a matter of which we probably do not have all the ins and outs?
Reply ↓ - Written by Hervé Soulié | The
We can say whatever we want, but it is abnormal that a priest with such an obvious charisma as Father Zanotti Sorkine, than a priest who has achieved such pastoral success in a parish that was before him in escheat, that a priest manifestly as "inhabited" by the Faith as he is, could find himself without a job. of the chaplain of the chapel in rue du Bac to welcome Father Zanotti “to avoid manifestations of excessive piety…. (sic) dishonors this chaplain and will one day call upon him divine Justice. embarrassment, then anger and finally nausea. I hope that a bishop of France, to save the honor of the Institution, welcomes Father Zanotti in his diocese.
Reply ↓ - Written by Concorde | The
Your comment remains gently nuanced Isabelle. Another reading shows that Fr Zanotti-Sorkin after having been a Dominican, was a Franciscan then a diocesan priest. accelerated catechumenate). This man has been showing signs of instability and a certain sense of "riding alone" for some time now. There is indeed a real question of communion. God knows how difficult it is on a daily basis, but it is the only guarantee that all the "workers of the harvest" work to announce someone other than themselves and, consciously or not, do not end up using all their energy in "their own works".
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