1 - American Gangster

In the district of Harlem, in New York, in 1970, on the death of the local caïd of which he had been the driver and confidant for fifteen years, Frank Lucas decided to take over. Young, ambitious and intelligent, he does not want to depend on anyone and sets up his own network. Using US Army planes, he imports massive amounts of heroin and quickly amass a colossal fortune.

The opinion of Télé-Loisirs

Two exceptional actors at the top of the bill give all its strength to this masterful fresco.

2 - Sex Academy

Jake Wyler, the king of football, is one of the stars of the college. With his friends, he makes a bet to have the ugliest and tartest girl on campus elected queen of the prom: Janey Briggs. But Jake and some of his buddies, including Malik and Ricky, chose their target badly because Janey is less stupid and much prettier than she looks. And she quickly guesses the machination of which she is the subject.

The opinion of Télé-Loisirs

Netflix : les meilleurs films à voir le week-end du 25/26 septembre

Even if the whole lacks finesse, this parody will delight lovers of schoolboy humor.

3 - Vincent, François, Paul and the others

1974. Three childhood friends in their fifties, Vincent, François and Paul meet every Sunday in the countryside with their problems of money and marriage. Vincent, a small industrialist, is in debt up to his neck and his mistress dumped him. His assistant Jean, an amateur boxer, is preparing a match which should decide a possible professional future. François, a renowned doctor, greedy for money and devoured by ambition, is deceived by his wife Lucie who reproaches him for having betrayed his youthful ideal. As for Paul, a writer, he is out of inspiration. Everyone will become aware of the relative importance of their problems when Vincent has a heart attack.

The opinion of Télé-Loisirs

This intimate and warm chronicle on friendship paints a subtle and touching portrait of a group of friends.

4 - Man of Steel

As the chaos-ridden planet Krypton is on the verge of extinction, Jor-El, who opposes the dangerous General Zod, manages to evacuate his son, Kal-El, in an escape pod. Years later, Kal-El, raised on Earth by Jonathan and Martha Kent, tries to lead an ordinary life. But the young man, who is called Clark, gradually becomes aware of his extraordinary powers which he tries to put at the service of others.

The opinion of Télé-Loisirs

Zack Snyder imposes his modern vision of the Superman myth and signs a film with impressive special effects.

5 - Cartridge

In Paris, at the beginning of the 18th century, Dominique, a skilled thief, rebels against Malichot, the leader of the hoodlums, who launches killers on his heels. The insolent saves his life by enlisting in the army under the name of Cartouche. While in uniform, he befriends Sweetness and Mole. After stealing the regiment's cash register, the trio of deserters go to Paris where Cartouche soon takes the lead of Malichot's band.

The opinion of Télé-Loisirs

A flamboyant classic cloak and dagger film, with a twirling Jean-Paul Belmondo. Great popular cinema.

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