© UFC-Que Choisir
While the development of digital uses justifies more than ever a good quality of service throughout the territory, the UFC-Que Choisir launches the free application which debit, constituting both an individual tool allowing users to test the quality of theirconnection to the mobile internet wherever it is, and a collaborative tool to establish coverage cards.Thanks to a massive mobilization of consumers it calls for its wishes, the UFC-Que Choisir can thus make data public allowing both to compare operators, and to shed light on the state of the digital fracture.What a bit can be downloaded for free today from the Google Play Store (Android)) and the App Store (Apple)).
What a debit is a mobile application offering consumers the possibility of testing the quality of their mobile connection.Two kinds of tests are available: a "quick test", calculating latency, reception flow and emission flow, as well as a "full test" which also makes it possible to determine the quality of viewing a video,and the loading time of web pages.What abish is distinguished from the other “speedtes” currently available by offering a qualitative assessment of the elements tested.
The "full test" also allows the user to obtain an overall note in the quality of the Internet connection, ranging from 0/10 to 10/10, based on an exclusive algorithm developed by the UFC-Que Choisir.This closed rating system constitutes a specificity of what debit in the universe of "speedtes", and therefore a real added value.
What a bit also allows users to be the actors of a resolutely collaborative application, having a double utility for the consumer community:
A first analysis of the data collected for 3G/4G profiles (1)) during the test phase shows significant territorial disparities.Indeed, if the average flow noted in the dense areas (2)) reaches 55.2 Mbit/s, it is 48.3 Mbit/s in the intermediate areas (3)), to drop to 37.8 Mbit/s in rural areas (4)).These differences in flows have very concrete impacts on classic daily uses, whether it be web browsing or the quality of viewing a video.As an illustration, in rural areas in 21 % of cases the loading of a simple page is done in more than 5 seconds, when this rate is reduced to 13 % in the average areas.
The more users of which flow will be numerous, the faster the UFC-Que Choisir can provide all quality indicators by operator and territory.Our association therefore calls on them to grasp this new application, downloadable for free on the Google Play Store and the App Store, and to carry out tests in the various places they frequent (work, transport, etc..)).
Applications can be directly downloaded via the following links:
Android: https: // play.Google.com/Store/Apps/Details? Id = fr.qosi.quechoisir&hl=fr
iOS: https: // apps.Apple.com/fr/App/Queld%C3%A9BIT-3G-4G-5G-WIFI/ID1521209451
L’UFC-Que Choisir ouvre également une page consacrée à Queldébit à l’adresse http ://ufcqc.link/queldebit apportant aux consommateurs toutes les précisions sur ses caractéristiques précises, notamment sous la forme d’une FAQ, également disponible directement dans l’application.
(1)) À ce stade nous n’établissons pas de résultats pour les profils 5G, puisqu’au mois de mai les données 5G représentaient moins de 10 % de l’ensemble des données collectées.
(2)) À savoir les agglomérations, au sens de l’INSEE, de plus de 400 000 habitants.
(3)) À savoir les agglomérations entre 10 000 et 400 000 habitants.
(4)) À savoir les agglomérations de moins de 10 000 habitants et l’ensemble des communes hors agglomérations.
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