The identification of faces in the photos with iOS 15 has improved significantly, just as it is easier to identify unrecognized faces or to correct errors.We can also present some of these new features as an alignment of iOS on what MacOS already offered for his photos.

First there is new for the identification of the faces identified in a photo and also those for which photos did not manage to assign a name.

When you watch a photo (or a video), slide it up to see your information cartridge.This is when the bottom of the image will fill with a row of small pastilles for all the faces that have been detected there.

The pastilles bearing a question mark are faces to be identified manually.You just have to touch each of these pastilles then to type a name so that the photo joins the album of the faces of the person.

The little practical thing at this stage is that you can scroll through your photos while staying in this information view.Let's put that you have taken a lot of photos for an evening, you can review them with this side gesture and see quickly if pastilles are awaiting identification.

iOS 15 : les nouveautés dans la détection des visages | iGeneration

There is then the case of faces that have been wrongly allocated to a person.Like what we already do in MacOS, we can go to a faces folder and display in gallery all those recorded there in order to find possible intruders.

In iOS 15 we use the command "Manage the tagged photos" which displays all the faces attributed to a person.We will uncheck those who have nothing to do there.

Then we can add that had been forgotten, by means of the command "Tagging other photos" displayed at the end of this gallery of portraits.We then find the already known mode of operation where it is a question of validating or invalidating faces proposals.

Apple has also improved the identification of a face in a photo.A person with a face cut in the frame, or in profile or even three -quarter rear can be identified, or at least photos will have understood that it is a person and he will propose to name it if it does notcould not recognize her.

It happens of course that the software is caught in default.We will have for example five people very well visible in a photo taken in broad daylight, where four are in profile, yet photos will only see the subject of the front and will completely ignore the others.Impossible to force his hand to tell him that he missed people.But overall detection has made progress.

It may be missing a general file that would bring together all the photos containing unidentified faces to give a helping hand to photos once and for all and name the orphaned faces.

Update: as suggested by a reader, you can create an intelligent folder in photos on the Mac to bring together all the photos containing unidentified faces and treat them manually.Just use the person's criterion is to leave the field of its variable empty.Thank you Hermann

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