Summary of the article

Facebook is a social network that is very successful with more than two billion users.By intercepting communications between users, you can collect important information.And Facebook himself is also the first beneficiary!

This can therefore lead you to spy on someone's Facebook messages for several reasons.However, you will have to find the right method upstream.

Why could you decide to spy on someone else's facebook?

Spying a Facebook account is an increasingly recurring practice.However, this practice is not legal and is far from acceptable.Nevertheless, we can have good reasons to do so.At first, we can spy on someone on Facebook to get an idea of what he does during the times he spends online.

Thus, it will be important as a parent, to spy on for example a child for:

Some will spy on their partner's Facebook account in order to verify their loyalty.In the event of a deception, they will have the necessary evidence to explain themselves.Likewise, business leaders check the loyalty of their employees to detect those who sell commercial information to their competitors.All the reasons seem valid for those who practice them, but it is to everyone that it is up to have their good conscience, rules of conduct and ethics.It’s a whole other subject and that’s not the point!

What methods do other users suggest?

To spy on a Facebook account, users suggest different methods from each other.

Via the forgotten password function

Comment espionner le compte Facebook de quelqu’un ?

If you were to spy on a Facebook account, the first method is that which consists in having access to it using the "Forgot password" option.To do this, you must specify how you plan to receive the password.This can therefore be by text or email.

As you will understand, you need to have more, physical access to the target phone.It is therefore a method that presents its limits, although effective.

Spy on someone on Facebook by phishing

If it is not possible to have physical access to a phone, it is possible to use phishing.Indeed, it is a process by which the target is deceived by messages containing false allegations.For this, an email with a link is sent to the victim.However, it is always accompanied by a message that will be false, designed to bring the victim to click on the link.

Then, the link will redirect the victim on a site where the latter will enter personal information.In the case of a Facebook account spying, hackers use software boarding a typing recorder.

Therefore, your identifiers are recorded giving them access to your account.The disadvantage of this method lies in the fact that you must have advanced technical knowledge, which is not easy for all.

Social engineering

Social engineering is the set of methods by which a target can be deceived.For this, the one who hides behind the maneuver is done in reality, for someone that he is not.Thus, he can pretend to be a loved one in order to have personal information from the target.This method may not be effective in the sense that targets will generally be suspicious.

Why use MSPY to spy on Facebook?

If you are wondering how to spy on a Facebook account more efficiently, MSPY will be the right option, for many reasons.


To make good espionage, it is necessary at first to act so that the target does not suspect anything.In the event of a suspicion, she could take measures to make her follow -up a little more difficult.

Thus, unlike certain espionage software, MSPY leaves no trace after installation.In addition, the software does not require the authorization of the spying person for a location as is the case for certain applications.

Utilisation facility

Among the spy applications having the wind in its sails, MSPY is the spy software for Facebook which stands out for its ease of use.Indeed, it will not be necessary to have advanced knowledge.Even if you need physical access to the target phone, a few minutes will be sufficient.


With MSPY software, you will benefit from 25 tracking features.You can therefore have access to messages even if they are deleted.Also, you will be able to consult all the media exchanged during conversations.

In reality, MSPY is software whose use allows you to carry out real -time monitoring.To do this, he has a keylogger that allows you to record all the strikes made by the targeted person.

In addition to allowing you to spy on someone's Facebook messages, it is also possible to have remote access to all other social networks.This is an application that will provide you with all the information you need.


Classic methods that can allow you to spy on a Facebook account present in times shortcomings.To take advantage of optimal monitoring, MSPY presents itself as the best alternative.This software has approximately 25 tracking features and stands out for its ease of use.Even if it is paid, a free 7 -day trial is offered to you.

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