Today there are several mobile subscription formulas (with or without commitment) which may give rise, or not, to termination costs during a supplier change.Faced with the potential savings represented by a new package, changing operators can be more or less advantageous depending on the situation.

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Change mobile operator without termination fees

There are two solutions to change operators without paying termination fees:

  1. Vous possédez un forfait sans engagement ou dont la période d’engagement est terminée,
  2. Vous souhaitez résilier votre forfait avec engagement pour raison de force majeur.

To terminate a mobile offer from a conventional operator, a simple call to customer service is sufficient.There is no need to send a registered letter, the charge of which would be at your expense.

Termination of a non -binding package or whose commitment period is completed

Once the engagement period has been completed, the subscriber can terminate his free -cost mobile package.

If you have a non -binding mobile package, whether at a MVNO or at one of the classic operators (Orange, SFR, Bouygues, Free) and you want to change your mobile operator, you will not pay any costs of termination.

Make sure, if you want to keep your mobile phone number, to bring the RIO code, which you will find by contacting 3179, to carry out the number of the number.This approach is free and can be carried out 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, the voice server informs you of your remaining commitment duration, in addition to providing you with the RIO code of the line used.

Termination for cases of force majeure

In case of force majeure, you have the possibility of requesting the termination of your mobile subscription, at no cost, even if you are still engaged with your operator.In this case, the termination request must be accompanied by proof.

Cas de force majeureJustificatif
Licenciement dans le cadre d'un CDIAttestation de licenciement
SurendettementCourrier de la banque de France avec la notification de recevabilité et proposition du plan conventionnel ainsi que la notification du plan
Déménagement dans une zone non couverte par l'opérateurJustificatif du nouveau domicile
Incarcération dans un établissement pénitentiaireAttestation de résidence en centre pénitentiaire
Maladie ou un handicap rendant impossible l'usage du service mobileCertificat médical attestant de l'impossibilité d'utiliser les services de l’opérateur
Cas de force majeure reconnue par les tribunauxAttestation de décision du tribunal
Décès du titulaire du forfaitCertificat de décès

In this case, you must send the proof of termination as well as a registered mail termination letter with acknowledgment of receipt.This type of mail is billed between 4 and 7 €, depending on the weight of the mail, and will be at your expense.

Competing offers

Combien coûte un changement d'opérateur mobile ?

If you are not subject to termination costs, it may be interesting to change operator according to price differences between operators as well as according to the promotional offers set up by competing operators.

Ainsi, passer d’une offre avec mobile chez l'un des trois grands opérateurs (Orange, SFR, Bouygues) à un opérateur low cost comme Sosh ou B&You permet de réaliser une économie substantielle.

For example, going from an SFR 80GB package with a mobile (30 €/month) to a RED by SFR 100GO package without mobile or commitment (15 €/month) allows a saving of 20 €/month (or 360 € on ayear).

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Change operator with termination fees

Encouraging a mobile plan when you are still under engagement with an operator implies a certain amount of termination fees.However, specific methods make it possible to reduce termination costs:

Termination within the framework of the Chatel law

The Chatel law gives the possibility to persons holding a package comprising a commitment of more than a year to terminate the latter before its term.

The maximum (and most common) engagement duration is 24 months.Thanks to the Chatel law, the holder of the line engaged over 24 months may request the termination of the contract, benefiting from a reduction in termination fees.If he remains less than a year of commitment, he will only have to pay a quarter of the monthly payments remaining to pay.

For example, if you hold a mobile package at € 40 per month and you only have 8 months of engagement over 24, the termination of the package will cost 80 €.

To find out the end of your commitment, dial 3179 (free number) from your mobile phone.

Competing promotional offers

In some cases, an operator can offer you to “buy” your mobile package before the end of its commitment.It is most often a question of reimbursing you the termination costs in the form of having or reduction on the invoices of the new package.

Orange also offers, as part of a change of supplier, to refund its new customers 5 or 10 €/month of subscription for one year thanks to a reimbursement coupon.This offer is nevertheless valid only with certain Orange offers.

Price differences between operators

Even if you are still engaged with your operator, the price difference with the offer of another operator can be sufficient to break the commitment.Indeed, despite the termination fees, the difference between two offers may be large enough for an economy to be carried out.

Ainsi un forfait Sensation Bouygues 70Go à 31,99€/mois (sans mobile) avec appels, SMS et MMS illimités et 70Go de data, coûtera 383,88€ sur un an, là où un forfait B&You avec 100Go de données mobile généralement proposé à 14,99€/mois, ne coûtera que 179,88€.There is therefore a difference of € 204 over a year between these two mobile packages.

Compare the prices of mobile operators by consulting our file on mobile packages.

The quadruple play, cheaper global offers

Gather the internet and mobile packages of the hearth at the same operator allows you to save money.

It can be interesting, during a change of mobile operator, to move on to a quadruple play offer.Indeed, these packages, which include the fixed internet, fixed telephony, television and a mobile line often saves money.It is therefore sometimes cheaper to group everything with a single operator rather than keeping a mobile plan with an operator and an internet offer at another.

For example, having a SFR box subscription allows you to benefit from 4 € discounts on SFR packages, regardless of the mobile plan (Starter, Power or Superior).This reduction is called multi -k at SFR.It is also found in other operators.Thus Orange, Bouygues and Free also offer mobile packages at reduced prices if you have an Internet box package.

It is also interesting to bring together several mobile plans with the same operator.Indeed, Orange offers discounts when several mobile packages are recorded on the same customer account.As for Bouygues Telecom, the operator offered multi-line discounts in the past but stopped this practice.

Video: Changing mobile operator

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