Since January 1, 2018, this system has replaced the social prices for electricity and gas.You can use it to pay your energy bills (electricity, gas, heat, fuel oil, wood, etc.) with your supplier.You can also adjust certain works to limit the energy consumption of your accommodation (renovation of windows, insulation, etc.) with your RGE craftsman in addition to existing renovation aids.These works must be carried out by a certified professional "recognized as a guarantor of the environment" (RGE).The site provides the list of RGE professionals.On the other hand, car fuel expenses are not eligible.The energy check is not also perceable with a bank.
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In mid-September, to cope with the outbreak of energy prices, Jean Castex announced that an exceptional energy check of 100 euros would be distributed to beneficiaries of the energy check, or 5.8 million households.Just as the classic energy check, this additional check is intended to pay energy bills and is dispatched directly to the home of the French concerned.
Energy checks are sent to your home by post, during the month of April.For their part, the exceptional energy checks announced in September are shipped from this Monday, December 13.Shipments will spread until December 22, depending on the territories.
Read also an exceptional energy check of 100 euros sent to 5.8 million households from this Monday
The end of validity of your check is registered in the front.In general, it corresponds to March 31 of the year following its distribution.When the validity date of the check is exceeded, your supplier is not required to accept it.Until the same date, you can request here the exchange for a work check specifically dedicated to the financing of energy renovation works and valid for 2 additional years.
As for the exceptional energy check, which the French will find in their mailbox in this month of December, it is valid until March 31, 2023.
To be able to benefit from the energy check, the annual reference tax income (RFR) of your household must be less than € 10,800 per consumption unit (UC).The UC is used to calculate your consumption knowing that a person constitutes 1 UC, that the 2nd person constitutes 0.5 UC, and that each additional person constitutes 0.3 UC.These values are half reduced for minor children in alternate residence at the home of each parents.We must also live in a taxable housing at the housing tax even if we are exempt from it.An eligibility simulator is available here.
The amount of the energy check depends on the income and the composition of the household.
The check is at least 48 euros and 277 euros maximum, indicates the government.In 2021, it amounted to 150 euros on average.
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There is no approach to accomplish to receive the energy check (classic as exceptional): it is enough to have made your tax return to tax services the previous year, even if you do not pay income tax.It is the tax administration which determines if you meet the award conditions.If this is the case, you will receive a nominative check at your home, in paper format.
If however you have not received an energy check while you are eligible (see simulator above), you are invited to use the contact form (link here) or to contact the Energy check assistance on 0 805 204805 (green number: free service and call), provided with your tax notices.
Above all, it is necessary to know that the energy check cannot pay several energy expenses: it is not divisible or refundable.It must be used in one go on a single energy contract.However, when you use an energy check for the payment of an electricity, natural gas, LPG invoice delivered in bulk or for payment to a housing-foyer manager, and if the value of the energy check is greater than the amountFrom the invoice, then the overpayment will be deducted from the following invoice or even the following invoices.
The way to use your energy check depends on the expenses you want to set with.For each use, the procedure is detailed below.
You can use your energy check without waiting for your next invoice by entering the energy check number here.It will then be credited directly to your customer account.You can also send it to your supplier by postal mail of a document (invoice, schedule, etc.) showing your customer references, without forgetting your customer number on the back of the check.
It is also possible to request that the amount of the check be automatically deducted from your invoice for the coming years by going to this site, or by checking the "pre-efficient" box directly on the paper energy check before sending itto your supplier, or by calling 0 805 204 805 (free service and call).
You can give it directly to your supplier.
If the work is carried out before March 31 of the year following the date of sending the check, you pay your bill directly with the energy check.You can also keep the value of your energy check for work financing that you will start later.In this case, before the end of validity of your energy check, go here or contact the assistance check energy by phone 0 805 204 805 (green number: service + free call) to exchange your check.A new check, known as the work check, will then be sent to you, valid for 2 more years but only for the payment of energy renovation work.
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If you live in social residence and you have the private provision of your accommodation (so you are subject to the housing tax, even if you benefit from an exemption), you can use your energy check by handing it over to yourManager who will deduce it from your next fees.
If you live in social residence and you do not have the private provision of your accommodation, it is up to the manager of your social residence to apply for a specific help.In which case, you have no procedures to do: your manager will automatically pass the amount of the aid he receives on your fee.The amount of this aid is € 144 in 2018, and € 192 from 2019. If you have received an energy check due to your previous accommodation, you can also use your energy check to pay your fee, but you do notThen benefit from specific help for a period of 12 months.
If you live in a nursing home, you can put your energy check directly to the establishment manager.The value of the check will be deducted from your next fees.
If you live in APL approved housing, you can put your energy check directly to the manager of your household accommodation.The value of the check will be deducted from the next royalty (s).
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