It is a case of which there is no end in sight. There were excavations in the cavities of Cagnac-les-Mines, around the home of the disappeared. There was the mother of the main suspect who, trapped by a clairvoyance show, said she was "convinced" that her son was "guilty". There were three requests for the release of Cédric Jubillar, indicted for "murder of a spouse", all refused by the Toulouse Court of Appeal. Delphine Jubillar's parents-in-law themselves were temporarily placed in police custody. There were also the strange messages from Cédric Jubillar to one of the friends of the disappeared. There was the discovery of "the lover of Montauban". And then there was the confrontation of Nadine Fabre, the mother of Cédric Jubillar, with her son: she burst into tears, he remained unmoved.

Read alsoDisappearance of Delphine Jubillar: speleologists search cavities in Cagnac-les-Mines

Cédric Jubillar does not budge: "Since the beginning of this affair, he has always proclaimed his innocence", underlines with Figaro one of his lawyers, Me Jean-Baptiste Alary. However, certain details intrigue the investigators. Elements which, according to the lawyers for the main suspect, could be presented to the respondent during his hearing on October 15 as "so-called damning evidence".

SEE ALSO - The chronology of the Delphine Jubillar affair, retraced by our journalist Margaux d'Adhémar

The quilt riddle

It was presented on June 18 by the former public prosecutor of Toulouse Dominique Alzéari as the keystone of this case: when, around 4:50 a.m., the gendarmes, warned by Cédric Jubillar of the disappearance of his wife, arrived at the home of the couple, they come face to face with the main interested party. The latter is in the process of "triggering a washing machine" in which is "the duvet of the bed on which Delphine Jubillar slept", reports the prosecutor. According to Cédric Jubillar's version, it was necessary to wash this duvet because "his dog had urinated on it".

Read also Cédric Jubillar's lawyers evoke an "accumulation of insignificant elements"

Disparition de Delphine Jubillar : presque un an plus tard, où en est l'enquête ?

If the gendarmes are surprised by this somewhat lunar scene, they will only return to seize the duvet “34 hours after the announcement of the disappearance” of Delphine Jubillar, indicates to Figaro Me Alary. The duvet was then found clean, in the drum. A “culpable negligence”, according to the criminal lawyer, who adds that the expertise of this quilt was only carried out “7 months after the disappearance” of the young woman, that is to say in July 2021. “Why did you wait so long? Why didn't the gendarmes immediately seize the duvet when they intervened at the couple's home? ”, ask the lawyers for the mis en cause, explaining that they have not received any notification of the results of the expert report.

Asked about what the expertise of this quilt could reveal, Me Alary sweeps this piece of evidence with the back of his hand: this quilt has, according to him, no importance, it is only "an element for used "to try to support a thesis that is not supported by anything else". What if investigators find blood on this duvet? “If the duvet showed traces of blackness similar to traces of blood, I had a hard time believing that this would not have been immediately mentioned in the report. However, the latter makes no mention of traces of this kind, ”says the lawyer. “Then, if there is a trace of blood, it would not mean anything. Witness the microtraces of blood found on Cédric Jubillar's pajamas, which are simply the result of sexual intercourse, ”he continues. Same thing for the DNA: for the lawyers of Cédric Jubillar, it is obvious that the DNA of Delphine, but also that of Cédric, will be present on this duvet. “Like that of children and dogs. After all, it was a family”, blows the lawyer.

If the results of the duvet's expertise are still not known, the water from the washing machine has been analyzed: the experts have identified neither traces of blood nor traces of urine. However, the experts conclude by emphasizing that, "even if the water would have contained urine, it is not certain" that they could have "detected its trace, the machine containing a lot of water", has explained to Figaro Me Alary. In addition, according to the criminal lawyer, the experts “may have been looking for traces of urine of human origin, in order to see if a person, mechanically asphyxiated, could not, automatically, relax. But they didn't find anything and it hasn't been proven."

couple's finances

In full separation, Delphine Jubillar went, the day before her disappearance, to her bank. She first asks to change the bank codes of her credit card. “She had been the victim of a geolocation attempt by her husband shortly before. Having extramarital affairs, she probably had things to hide, comments Me Alary. She had therefore changed the code of her phone and was about to do the same with her credit card.

Read also"She annoys me, I'm going to kill her": the disturbing threat of Cédric Jubillar shortly before the disappearance of his wife Delphine

But Delphine Jubillar is not limited to changing the code of her phone and her credit card. She also asks her banker to close her joint bank account with Cédric Jubillar. Was the Tarn nurse afraid that her husband would squander their savings? "It's normal, when we separate, we consider closing the joint account", replies Cédric Jubillar's lawyer, specifying that, in any case, Delphine Jubillar has only "expressed the will to close" without completing the operation. “A joint account can only be closed with the agreement of both holders. Delphine Jubillar only asked her bank to disassociate herself from the joint account,” we are told. Still, three days later, on December 18, Delphine Jubillar had planned to go back to the bank to finalize these steps.

SEE ALSO - The Toulouse prosecutor confirms the indictment of Cédric Jubillard for "intentional spousal homicide"

Cédric Jubillar's phone analysis

The husband's phone is also one of the parts of the file on which the investigators are looking closely. It was this same phone that revealed that Cédric Jubillar had only taken 40 steps to try to find his wife on the day of her disappearance. It was also this phone that revealed that the latter had made 180 calls to his wife. In vain. But, that night, Cédric Jubillar did not only frantically call his wife.

Read alsoDisappearance of Delphine Jubillar: her cell phone was reactivated on Tuesday evening

According to information from BFMTV, Cédric Jubillar would have played Game of Thrones on his cell phone until 10:30 p.m.: he will not turn on his phone again until the next day at 3:53 a.m., once awakened by his daughter's crying. Also according to BFMTV, he would then have connected to dating applications before trying to join 180 times Delphine Jubillar, as well as two of her friends. It was only at 4:09 a.m. that he called the gendarmes to report the disappearance of his wife, before connecting again to a game on his laptop at 7:12 a.m.

Today, despite numerous excavations, beatings and expertise, the 33-year-old nurse and mother, who disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 in the Tarn, remains untraceable. The hearing of Cédric Jubillar, which begins this Friday, October 15 at 9:30 a.m., should continue on December 3, according to information from Figaro. A period during which Cédric Jubillar would be kept in isolation.

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