""""""""DIRECT. Présidentielle 2022 : dernier sondage, Macron temporise, la droite face à la police... Les actus""""""""

PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.Emmanuel Macron further repels the formalization of his candidacy.Valérie Pécresse, Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour and Gérald Darmanin pass a big oral in front of the police while in the polls the positions are frozen.


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11:29 - The Abbé Pierre Foundation pins the government on the accommodation

The accommodation is """"""""the poor parent of the five -year period"""""""" of Emmanuel Macron.The annual report of the Abbé Pierre Foundation on the state of poor housing in France has something to worry, it indicates that 4.1 million people are poorly shown or lack accommodation and that the number of people without homedoubled in 10 years, they are currently 300,000.Faced with these findings and the analysis of government policies, the Abbé Pierre Foundation assures that """"""""housing has never been a priority of the executive during this mandate"""""""".The main reproaches of the Foundation relate to the absence of construction of housing, including social housing, and """"""""deeply unequal financial arbitrations, unpublished budget cuts, [...] who have extended throughout the five -year term """""""".

11:17 - New defection of the RN for the benefit of Eric Zemmour

A defection of more on the side of the national rally.MEP Maxette Pirbakas has chosen to rally Eric Zemmour and formalized his break with Marine Le Pen's party in the lines of Figaro.The Guadeloupeal farmer says he is disappointed with the far-right candidate: """"""""I had particularly been seduced by Marine Le Pen.I liked it to defend the overseas territories with this woman of charisma who is for the little ones, the poor ... But, for two years, I have been able to measure the gap between the promises and the reality of things """""""".But if she joins the candidate for reconquests!She does not want to """"""""serve as a showcase"""""""" and expect actions if Eric Zemmour is elected: """"""""I am a woman of conviction.I want to defend the return of drinking water to all overseas territories over five years, the end of sanitation problems and green growth.""""""""

10:44 - Jordan Bardella indicted for his comments on Trappes

Jordan Bardella a été informé hier de sa mise en examen pour avoir """"""""qualifié la ville de Trappes de République islamique"""""""".The acting president of the national rally made public information himself this morning on Europe 1. En octobre 2021, après que le maire de Trappes, Ali Rabeh, ait été réélu, Jordan Bardella avait fustigé un """"""""gouvernement [qui] reste passif devant la constitution de Républiques islamiques en miniature"""""""".This Wednesday he maintains his position and also criticizes the judicial system. : """"""""Je déplore que la justice française poursuive le même but aujourd'hui que les islamistes, à savoir faire taire ceux qui dénoncent le réel et ceux qui refusent de voir d'innombrables quartiers en France se transformer"""""""".

10:33 - Sur les EHPAD, Yannick Jadot veut interdire """"""""tout nouveau établissement privé à but lucratif""""""""

The publication of Victor Castanet's investigation into mistreatment in the EHPAD of Orpea and Korian groups continues to influence the presidential campaign. Ce matin sur RTL, Yannick Jadot s'est indigné face aux révélations du livre Les Fossoyeur : """"""""Dans quelle société sommes-nous arrivés pour que nos ainés deviennent des produits spéculatifs, avec la complicité des autorités publiques"""""""". Le candidat assure que s'il est élu, il interdira """"""""tout nouveau établissement privé à but lucratif"""""""" et promet de mettre en place """"""""une grande politique de la dépendance qui mettra entre 8 et 9 personnels soignants pour 10 pensionnaires.We cannot remain in such a level of mistreatment and liberal cynicism """""""".

10:18 - Jean-Luc Mélenchon jugé """"""""anti-flic"""""""" et exclu du débat organisé par Alliance

If no left-wing candidate wished to come to the debate organized by the Police Syndicate Alliance, one of them, Jean-Luc Mélenchon simply was not invited. """"""""Il n'y a aucun intérêt"""""""" à débattre avec """"""""quelqu'un qui prône la haine anti-flic à longueur de temps, qui passe son temps à dire que nous sommes des factieux, des groupuscules d'extrême-droite et qui passe son temps à polémiquer sans faire avancer le débat et [sans essayer de] comprendre le malaise des policiers"""""""", a expliqué Fabien Vanhemelryck, le secrétaire général du syndicat au micro de BFMTV.During the program against Baba, on January 27, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had found himself in front of Yannick Landurain, a police officer from Bac 93 and the exchanges were the two men virulent.

09:33 - La police invite les candidats à un """"""""grand oral"""""""" sur le sécurité

Le premier syndicat de police, Alliance, a invité les candidats à l'élection présidentielle à participer à un """"""""grand oral"""""""" ce mercredi 2 février, à 11h30, pour traiter toutes les questions liées à la sécurité.The members of the police will only face Valérie Pécresse, Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour and Gérald Darmanin, representative of Emmanuel Macron.The left will therefore be absent from the meeting.Anne Hidalgo, Fabien Roussel and Yannick Jadot refused to honor the invitation.As for the rebellious candidate, he was not invited by the union. """"""""Quel intérêt de discuter avec un candidat qui ne fait que prôner la haine anti-flic ?"""""""", a indiqué le secrétaire général d’Alliance, Fabien Vanhemelryck pour justifier la décision du syndicat.

09:22 - traveling in the North, Macron still refuses to announce his candidacy

Expected in the North this Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron prepared his arrival by giving an interview to La Voix du Nord, Tuesday, February 1. Les journalistes ont évidemment interrogé le chef de l'Etat sur sa future candidature mais le sujet a été contourné par l'intéressé : """"""""J'ai d’abord l’obsession que la phase aiguë de l’épidémie et le pic de la crise géopolitique actuelle soient derrière nous"""""""", explique-t-il, espérant trouver une issue à la crise sanitaire du Covid et au conflit entre la Russie et l'Ukraine. """"""""Je ne peux pas raisonnablement expliquer aux Français que je vais m’adonner à ce temps démocratique important, alors que je leur ai dit que je serai président jusqu’au bout et que nous avons une crise à la frontière ukrainienne qui menace notre sécurité collective"""""""".

01/02/22 - 21:59 - Yannick Jadot veut que les les migrants soient accueillis """"""""dignement""""""""

""""""""You have seen, and you will still see, in the coming days, political leaders instrumentalize despair, the dramatic situations of migrants.""""""""Yannick Jadot in a meeting in Lille this Tuesday evening put at the heart of his speech the fate of migrants. Le candidat des Verts à la présidentielle de 2022 a plaidé pour que la France accueille """"""""dignement"""""""" les réfugiés. Il a également mis en cause l'exécutif : """"""""A Calais, dans le pays des droits humains, chaque matin, ces personnes se font arracher des tentes, confisquer des effets personnels, des associations sont empêchées de travailler.""""""""

02/01/22 - 21:15 - According to Éric Zemmour, Marion Maréchal would not betray Marine Le Pen if she joined him

""""""""She is very close to me."""""""" Interrogé sur le plateau du journal télévisé du 20 heures de France 2 ce mardi, Éric Zemmour a réagi aux propos de Marion Maréchal et son potentiel ralliement à l'ancien polémiste : """"""""Elle ne m’a pas encore rejoint."""""""" Et d'assurer qu'il n'y aurait pas de trahison en cas de soutien de l'ancienne députée du rassemblement national : """"""""Vu les affrontements entre Marion et sa tante, je comprends que ce soit très douloureux pour tout le monde.But it's politics, she doesn't betray.They have different political lines.""""""""

02/01/22 - 19:52 - Macron wants to wait for the end of the Covid wave and the Ukrainian crisis to declare themselves

As a preamble to a trip to the north Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron gave an interview to La Voix du Nord.Inevitably questioned about his presidential ambitions, the Head of State swept away any lift any announcement of candidacy. """"""""J'ai d’abord l’obsession que la phase aiguë de l’épidémie et le pic de la crise géopolitique actuelle soient derrière nous"""""""", explique-t-il, espérant trouver une issue à la crise sanitaire du Covid et au conflit entre la Russie et l'Ukraine. """"""""Je ne peux pas raisonnablement expliquer aux Français que je vais m’adonner à ce temps démocratique important, alors que je leur ai dit que je serai président jusqu’au bout et que nous avons une crise à la frontière ukrainienne qui menace notre sécurité collective"""""""".

01/02/22 - 18:04 - Marine Le Pen veut mettre fin au """"""""laxisme"""""""" et présente ses projets en matière de sécurité

Marine Le Pen a parlé sécurité à Brest et a mentionné ses mesures les plus fortes censées remédier à """"""""quarante de laxisme"""""""". La candidate du Rassemblement national entend mettre """"""""un terme au désordre de la loi du plus fort, au harcèlement quotidien des honnêtes gens et au règne de la terreur des mafias de la drogue, dont les crimes n’ont d’égal que l’idéologie islamisante à laquelle ils sont si souvent associés"""""""".Among her proposals, she insists on the increase in the security and justice budget up to 7.7 billion euros over 5 years to create 7,000 police and gendarmes stations and double the number of magistrates, theselast are currently 9,000.The increases envisaged by Marine Le Pen do not stop there, they also concern the number of places in the prisons: the candidate wishes to go from 60,000 places to 85,000.Were also mentioned by the representative of the RN the restoration of floors and the installation of a closed educational center in each department.

02/01/22 - 17:35 - The list of first valid sponsorships published by the Constitutional Council

The Constitutional Council has published the number of validated sponsorships held by each candidate in the presidential election.Emmanuel Macron, even if he is still not officially candidate has the most signatures with 105 sponsorships.Anne Hidalgo who counts on the networks of socialist elected officials to obtain the 500 signatures at 48.Valérie Pécresse has 34 sponsorships and the communist Fabien Roussel of 30 supporters of elected officials.Eric Zemmour, Jean Lassalle, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, François Asselineau, Nathalie Arthaud and Yannick Jadot have between 10 and 15 signatures.All other candidates are below 10 signatures.Find the details of the sponsorship lists in our article.

02/01/22 - 17:01 - The extreme -right represented in the program by Cyril Hanouna

Cyril Hanouna's shows become real political meeting and a CNRS researcher, Claire Sécail, looked at the political treatment granted to each candidate between September and December 2021.The conclusions of the survey are final, over the period the far right and overrepresented on the sets of the C8 animator-star-star.If 17% of the antenna time of Cyril Hanouna's emissions are devoted to political subjects, or 1h30, on this time speaking is given to the far right up to 52.9% against 22.5% for the majorityPresidential, 7.6% for the left, 5% for the right and 1.8% for the Greens.On the candidate side, Eric Zemmour is most represented with 44.7% against 22.5% for Emmanuel Macron and 7.1% for Marine Le Pen. S'il ne peut nier, Cyril Hanouna se défend sur ces chiffres : """"""""Eric Zemmour c’est lui qui fait le plus parler.Here we treat controversies, there are much less controversy over Valérie Pécresse """""""".

02/01/22 - 15:54 - Shapes in Brest during the trip from Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen is visiting Brest this Tuesday, February 1 and has planned to present her security program. La candidate du RN a notamment souhaité faire une escale au commissariat de Pontanezen afin """"""""d’apporter son soutien aux policiers qui sont en première ligne face à cette situation"""""""", faisant référence aux tirs de mortiers qui visaient les force de l'ordre et le tramway et survenus ces derniers jours.Protesters opposed the arrival of the candidate for the Elysée and there were about thirty to have mobilized in front of the station then in front of the police station.Marine Le Pen was therefore welcomed by jostles and insults but was able to meet half an hour with the police staff present in the police station.

01/02/22 - 15:22 - Hélène Thouy espère être """"""""la petite surprise"""""""" des élections

The animalist candidate for the presidential election, Hélène Thouy, continues her race for signatures, she explains that she obtained 280 out of 500. Selon la prétendante à l'élection présidentielle """"""""le Parti animaliste peut être la petite surprise de cette élection car la question animale diffuse.(...) Notre participation pourrait même faire baisser l’abstention en ramenant des citoyens à la politique par cette question-là"""""""", comme elle l'explique dans les pages du Figaro.It does not have awlive to win the ballot but hopes to reach 4-5% to wear the animal cause.If she does not pass in the second round, she assures that she will not join any candidate, not even the ecologist Yannick Jadot. """"""""Notre mouvement est transpartisan, il rassemble des gens de droite comme de gauche pour défendre la cause animale"""""""", explique-t-elle.Well in the quest for sponsorships, the animalist candidate regrets that the hunters put pressure on elected officials to prevent her from having the number of necessary signatures.

LIRE PLUS En savoir plus

2022 presidential election date

The official dates of the first and second rounds of the presidential election are as follows: the polls will take place on April 10 and 24, 2022.Emmanuel Macron's mandate will officially end on May 13, 2022.However, the Head of State must be elected 35 days at most before the expiration of the powers of his predecessor.Another rule is that the second round of the presidential election is organized fourteen days after the first.Two slots were therefore possible: April 10 and 24 or April 17 and May 1.But the holding of a 2nd round on the day of the Labor Day made a complicated ballot, especially since the traditional union parades mobilize that day an important police device which will already be necessary in the context of this 2nd round.

Presidential candidates 2022

The list of candidates for the 2022 presidential election begins to consolidate themselves, but it is still possible that the rapprochements or alliances are carried out between different training courses or that projects that transcend the devices.To become officially candidate, each pretender will have to obtain 500 sponsorships of mayors and local elected officials.

Presidential election polls

Several surveys have already been made on the 2022 presidential election.It is of course far too early to learn precise lessons, since the campaign is just beginning, but these surveys still give indications on political power relations before the launch of the campaign.

Results of surveys on the 2022 presidential election - Compilation

Here is our compilation of the surveys carried out by all the institutes since January 2021;Most candidates are now known, several dynamics are of singular importance in the analysis of these surveys: that of Eric Zemmour, Valérie Pécresse and Marine Le Pen in particular.

A noter qu'à côté des sondages d'intention de vote traditionnels(Harris Interactive, Ipsos, Elabe), deux instituts effectuent un """"""""rolling"""""""" : Ifop pour LCI, Paris Matchet Sud Radio ; OpinionWay pour Les Echos. Il s'agit de cumuls """"""""glissants"""""""" de vagues journalières sur trois jours.

All the polls carried out so far give Emmanuel Macron qualified for the second round of the 2022 presidential election and the majority gives him opposite to Marine Le Pen. Quelques études ont émis l'hypothèse qu'Eric Zemmour se qualifie au second tour(battu par Emmanuel Macron) à l'automne, plusieurs études donnent Valérie Pécresse en mesure de se qualifier pour le second tour.

Presidential election: operation

Since the 1962 constitutional reform, the President of the Republic has been elected by direct universal suffrage. Pour se présenter, chaque candidat doit recueillir au moins cinq cents """"""""parrainages"""""""" effectués par des élus de la République, répartis sur au moins trente départements ou collectivités d'outre-mer.These sponsorships must be addressed to the Constitutional Council which validates them.The election of the President of the Republic takes place at least 20 days and 35 days at most before the end of the mandate of the president in office.

L'élection présidentielle est l'élection majeure en France car c'est celle qui(re)structure le champ politique pour 5 ans.It is from the designation of the President of the Republic that the whole of public life is organized: the head of state, once elected, sets up his government;The following legislative elections give it a majority - except in extraordinary cases, never seen under the Fifth Republic;The opposition then forms around the election of deputies, who give more or less weight to the various political parties.It is the executive which then fixes the agenda, the pace of the reforms to implement the president's program.Universal suffrage gives the head of state an undeniable political legitimacy, and only the government is responsible before the National Assembly.

Presidential results

During the previous presidential election, in 2017, Emmanuel Macron had been elected President of the Republic in the second round with a broad advance on Marine Le Pen, who still exceeded 10 million votes and earned more than 12 points compared tofirst round.

The result of the first round, on Sunday April 23, 2017, gave Emmanuel Macron in mind ahead of Marine Le Pen, the candidate of the Republicans François Fillon, whose campaign had been weighed down by business and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a time scheduled as the thirdMan and close to 20%:

As a reminder, the presidential election is a two -round one and the President of the Republic is elected to the absolute majority of the votes cast expressed.The law which organizes the ballot is very precise: if no candidate obtains a majority in the first round of the ballot, it is proceeded, the fourteenth following, in a second round, between the two candidates having collected the greatest number of votesin the first round.

Presidential election

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