Launched by the Free Assistance in October 2018, "telephone relay" is a video conference call for people with disabilities (hard of hearing, deaf, deaf, etc.).Included for all free mobile package subscribers at 19.99 €, but also Freebox Revolution (with or without TV by Canal Panorama, excluding promotional offers), this service now includes 3 hours of monthly communication included against 1 hour previously (incoming and outgoing calls, excluding courses and specials in mainland France, inthe framework of personal use).

Available on iOS and Android, the dedicated application received in December a new update on the Google and Apple OS correcting display bugs.Since last year, the application allows on iPhone to notify the user during a very specific call that.It will activate and flash your phone flash, so that hearing or deaf people are less likely to miss their calls.This option is activated by default, but can of course be deactivated in the settings.

In detail, "Free telephone relay" allows you to benefit from an interpretation service in French - French sign language (LSF), coding in completed spoken language (LPC) or automatic instant transcription.For your incoming or outgoing calls, you are then put in contact with a service that will ensure communication with your correspondent/interlocutor.Another possibility, automated transcription.In other words, the subscriber writes a text, then there is a vocal transcription of the text for the correspondent.Conversely, the voice of the correspondent is transcribed into a text on the subscriber side (open 24 hours a day, 7 days)).For interested parties, Univers Freebox has produced a tutorial around the use of this service.

How to access it for subscribers

Le saviez-vous : certains abonnés Free Mobile et Freebox peuvent accéder gratuitement au service “Relais Téléphonique” de Free

If your subscription allows you to benefit from the telephone relay service, in order to be able to use it, simply go to your subscriber space to activate the service according to the line for which you want to use the service in the “Telephone telephony”For Freebox subscribers and in“ Manage my account ”then“ my services ”for mobile customers.

In the parameters, it is possible to choose the desired type of service as "the French language interpretation of French signs", the "coding in completed language" or even "textual transcription".The user can also activate incoming calls.

Then just download the mobile application.Then follow the activation procedure using the identifiers or the line number for which you want to use the service.

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