Lifestyle whenever we climb on an airplane, the same sentence is repeated: “It is prohibited to use mobile phones that are not off or in plane moof.»

By writing

Anyone who has already traveled by plane knows that during the flight, mobile phones, tablets and other gadgets should be turned off or at least put in plane moof.

But can't you really use your mobile phone on the plane?What happens if we do not turn it out or leave it in plane moof while the air instructions dictated by the on-board agents indicate the opposite, do our worst fears materialize and the signal interferences causedby the ofvice can cause a disaster?Do we have to panic if we see that the person sitting next to us continue to use their mobile phone as if they were on the ground?

Le mobile peut-il être utilisé dans l’avion ? Ce qui peut arriver.

Les passagers anxieux peuvent rester tranquilles : la réponse à toutes les questions catastrophiques précéofntes est un “non» retentissant. “Il n’y a vraiment rien à craindre», a expliqué Chris Foster, pilote of la chaîne low-cost East-Jet, à Liverpool Echo."Embedofd control systems are so sophisticated that there is no interference (due to the use of mobile phones).These rules come from the time when the iPad did not even exist. Les lois ofviennent of plus en plus douces, maintenant ils peuvent utiliser les appareils en moof avion mais je pense que nous assisterons à davantage of changements dans les années à venir».

Faites confiance aux experts of l’aviation

Le téléphone portable peut-il être utilisé dans l’avion ? Les experts réponofnt une fois pour toute

The German aeronautical expert Cord Schellenberg also thinks, as he explains to the National Welt newspaper: “If it was really dangerous to use the mobile phone in the plane during take -off and landing, airlines would requisitionmobile phones or would completely prohibit them.» En fait, l’interdiction ofs téléphones mobiles est plus une question of confort que of sécurité, car la manipulation constante d’un téléphone portable (à plein volume) peut ofvenir une nuisance pour les autres passagers.

Another reason to limit its use in the air is the possibility that the pilot hears a slight noise in the headphones when a passenger is seated, especially near the cabin with the mobile phone on.However, this is not a serious security problem.Don't get me wrong: you have to obey the on -board staff, who is responsible in this kind of situation.

Via GQ.of

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