How to choose your mobile plan when more than a hundred offers are permanently available.You have to choose the network, the operator, decide between a package with or without commitment, between an unlimited package or a blocked package ... in short, not easy.This is why we decided to help you see more clearly.In this file, you will find all the information on blocked packages, an ideal formula for anyone who needs to be reachable, control its mobile internet consumption or limit your invoice in terms of mobile telephony.Explanations.

What is a blocked package?

When subscribing to a blocked package, the user has a consumer credit determined in advance.This is the best way to control your communications and expenses on a mobile phone.The rule is simple: if you subscribe to a package containing three hours of calls for example, once you have exhausted this credit, you can no longer make phone calls.You have to wait until the following month to have access to calls again, when your credit is renewed.The principle is the same for SMS/MMS and data for mobile Internet.Simple, economical and effective.

With a blocked package, it is impossible to have off-form.You only pay the amount for which you have subscribed to the offer.No unpleasant surprises, the bill is always the same one month on the other.This is the main advantage of blocked packages.Because, as we all know, it is unfortunately very easy to find yourself out-of-the-form, even without being aware of it.It only takes a call to surcharged numbers or from a few too many minutes on the internet to see its increased invoice of a few euros.Subscribe a blocked package is to ensure a form of tranquility!And never again you will have this unpleasant surprise:

Good to know: when you have exhausted your credit with a blocked package, the emergency numbers remain available.You can also receive calls, or SMS/MMS.

Blocked package: Which one to choose?

Forfait bloqué : au revoir le hors-forfait, bonjour la tranquillité

Today there are more than a dozen charges blocked on the market.Almost all operators offer at least one, with or without commitment.And, there is something for everyone, from 1 hour of calls to unlimited calls, from 50MB of data to several tens of Go, with a number of limited or unlimited SMS/MMS.All at very different prices.

But, to find yourself there and choose the one that suits you best, know that there are different types of blocked packages, all, or almost, are mobile subscriptions for less than € 5:

What clientele for blocked packages?

Blocked plans are primarily intended for people wishing to master their budget perfectly.Most often, they are inexpensive.The best way, therefore, to limit your mobile phone bill and save money.First, blocked packages are aimed at parents who wonder which mobile package to choose for a teenager.They indeed appeal to dads and mothers who wish to be able to communicate with their children by equipping them with a mobile phone.It's reassuring and in addition, it avoids any unpleasant surprises.

Indeed, with a blocked package, no risk of exploding the invoice. In addition, the parents choose the blocked package which seems the most suitable for their children.They can control their consumption and limit the time they spend on their mobile phone.All while having the possibility of being able to join them, even once their credit allocated is exhausted.This is why parents often adopt this solution for the first mobile package of their children.

However, parents are not the only ones to be seduced by blocked packages.They are also popular with the elderly who, for some, are equipped with a mobile phone only to be reachable by their family and, at the limit, to pass a few phone calls or send a few SMS.

The blocked package: the false good idea?

If you subscribe to a blocked package to limit the time your child spends on his mobile phone, then the blocked package is the right solution.This is the ideal way to control your consumption.On the other hand, if you subscribe to a blocked package in order to limit your expenses and not exceed a certain budget, then, the blocked package is a false good idea.

Indeed, today, competition is such between the different operators that it is possible to find unlimited, without commitment and low -cost packages.This is even more true in the context of promotions, where there is now an unlimited package with several dozen gigas of internet bytes for less than 10 €/month.This greatly decreases the risk of off -package, by limiting it to special numbers and communications abroad.This is why blocked packages are no longer as successful as before.But, if you don't want to really take any risks, the blocked package is still the best solution.

Most blocked packages are without obligation

Managing your consumption as well as possible is the primary goal of blocked packages.By definition, they do not offer a lot of flexibility.Because once you have consumed your credit, it's over, unless you pay a recharge.This therefore requires, before subscribing a type of type, to best estimate its needs in terms of calls or internet data.Fortunately, most blocked packages are without obligation.You can therefore change your package as you see fit, depending on your consumption.And, if you change operator, you can keep your number.A little flexibility, anyway!

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