The homeless 4G package has become the standard on the mobile market.This observation alone justifies the number of players (always larger) present on this market.In October 2021, the historic operator Orange even launched its own non -binding offers.Everyone gets started, because the non -commitment package has all the charms of success: the embarrassment of choice, freedom, limitation of paperwork, costs and calculations.We save time and money, with offers that are certainly fluctuating, but enticing.Virtual operators, such as Coriolis Telecom, NRJ Mobile or Prixtel are intelligently positioning themselves on the market by adopting a “free” strategy, that is to say, breaking the prices with small offers that helpless and growHistorical operators to review their ranges very regularly.
If you are wondering what a good 4G package without commitment is, we will stupidly tell you that it is "the best package at the best price, according to your use".Not very original, of course, but there is no "best package" in itself.Hence our selection of several packages for you.
If your dama need is rather important, the packages that we suggest above could interest you.From 30 to 80 GB, there is something to do, with which more data envelopes which become important in the event of using your mobile data abroad, if you travel regularly.
The question of network coverage can also arise, but overall, on 4G, the white areas are always rarer, and the four historic operators (which sublet their network to others) obtain the population coverage results whichexceed 99 % according to ARCEP.Regarding 5G, we leave it below, because the situation differs from that of 4G.
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Good Plan: the recap of 4G packages on sale