Evolution du Bluetooth, la technologie iBeacon déployée sans fanfare par Apple fin 2013 est en train d’accélérer la digitalisation des lieux physiques, entre expérimentations sur la fidélisation et tentatives de compréhension des comportements des consommateurs.Beacons, la révolution de la micro-localisation Beacons, la révolution de la micro-localisation

Technology in a few words

Première solution à voir le jour de manière industrielle, iBeacon est un système de localisation en intérieur développé par Apple, à base de transmetteurs Bluetooth basse consommation, à faible coût, qui peuvent notifier de leur présence des périphériques mobiles à des distances comprises entre quelques centimètres et 70 mètres, et déclencher une action spécifique sur le mobile (géolocalisation, check-in, push de contenus).Un marché en plein essor

According to a study by business insider, the maturity of the Beacons market is imminent.To date, more than 570 million smartphones under Android iosou are compatible with the Bluetooth system.50% of the main North American details initiated an experimental phase in 2014, and would have 85% of their points of sale by the end of 2016.Also according to this study, the number of active beacons should reach 4.8 million in 2018, including almost 80% in retail.

From retail to the company, experienced applications in many sectors

1.Department stores, shopping centers and shops

Apple was the first company to equip its Ibeacon beacon stores, at the end of 2013.From the customer's entry to access to exposed equipment, the system communicates with the iPhone of its customers.These can scan products to obtain information (user reviews, features, availability), pay and withdraw their purchases without having to go to the cashier.Since then, many brands and shopping centers expert technology on points of sale, to push ContenusexClusifs and promotional offers to their customers, or simply to be able to consume consumer in order to improve the efficiency of Enrab.The promises of Beacon technology should push the world of a hard -cutting around the consumer experience.

2.Museums and exhibitions

At the Rubens Museum in Antwerp, the beacons are used to make laviitis more playful and interactive.The visitor receives toutau notifications long from his career to teach him more about the works, encourage him to develop clues and respond to quiz.

3.The events

Beacons, la révolution de la micro-localisation

The application of Major League Baseball uses the Beacons for Locate a spectator as approaching and within the stadium, and him practical information (electronic ticket, plan) oupromotional (video, discounts).Faced with the success of this first expert, the MLB has decided to deploy the device in manystades, to offer more and more interactive designed to baseball fans.

4.The airports

Depuis début 2014, plusieurs compagnies aériennes (Virgin Atlantic, American Airlines, Japan Airlines, EasyJet) expérimentent les Beacons pour améliorer leur service aux voyageurs lors des formalités aéroportuaires (check-in, douanes, carte d’embarquement).


The Clevedon School (United Kingdom) has implemented tags to enrich the students' experience, via an application that leurves access to contextual information, shared documents or links to the nature of the course.The application also allows the teaching staff to deprogram specific actions depending on the school calendar, and the presence and the interactions of students with the establishment.

6.Bars and restaurants

By associating their smartphone with a bank account, Lesclients du Royal Bar in New York have, since early 2014, the possibility of relieving their addition without going through the cash register, using an application dedicated as Dash.This also acts as a loyalty card, memorizing preference for customers to offer them tailor-made promotions.

7.Cinemas and performance halls

The British cinema channel Odeon has been testing since this summer a mobile device based on the beacons.Beyond the reception and information of the public, the application makes it possible to scan the posters of the films to come to unlock trailers.Salle operators are looking for more and more to retain their customers, and will be able to rely on the historical interactions to offer promotions corresponding to theGUS of each, from the room to the mailbox.

8.The banks

The banking sector is preparing to experience a large -scale mobile dupament revolution, and will have to adapt its services to be increasingly independent in the management of its accounts.Australian banks St George and Westpac have experienced virtualization of their reception since last February, by offering special offers with customers equipped with their app.

9.The offices

Since the beginning of the year, the New York agency Huge Sesert of tags to orient visitors and employees in its Debrooklyn building.How ?Like this.The use of BEACONS in business is developing in terms of safety (authentication of employees, (de) locking offices, IT session opening).In the near future, the tag will probably replace the business card...

A future remaining to invent

La personnalisationLa personnalisation de l’expérience de shopping est sans doute l’une des pistes les plus intéressantes pour fidéliser un client et doper le chiffre d’affaires d’un point de vente. Le véritable enjeu de la personnalisation réside dans la capacité à “suivre” le consommateur en temps réel sur l’ensemble des points de contact, du web au mobile en passant par le point de vente physique, pour enfin proposer des promotions qui font sens, au bon moment, et via le bon canal.

Towards a real contactless payment

Longtemps pressenti comme la solution idéale pour des paiements sans contact, le NFC (communication radio via des puces RFID) est désormais concurrencé par la technologie Beacon. La norme Bluetooth LE permet de transmettre des données sur des distances plus importantes, et argument principal, ne requiert pas d’action de la part du consommateur. Celui-ci, plutôt que de scanner un code barre en caisse, peut simplement passer à proximité du dispositif Bluetooth, et procéder au paiement de ses articles, sans aucun contact.

The connected house

La domotique sera rapidement l’un des secteurs porteurs pour ce type d’applications. Plusieurs sociétés proposent déjà des applications utilisant la technologie des Beacons appliquée au domicile, comme Airfy, qui permet de contrôler la luminosité et la température de votre domicile, mais aussi de programmer des routines personnalisées via IFTTT (préparer un café dès votre réveil, pré-chauffer l’eau de la douche, diffuser une playlist musicale en fonction de la météo).

Smaller tags, thoughts for mobility

La société nord-américaine Estimote, pionnière de la commercialisation des Beacons, a lancé fin août les Nearables, des balises plus petites, légères et autocollantes, ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles applications. Installées sur des objets de la vie quotidienne, ces mini-balises sont capables de signaler leur position ou leurs mouvements à une application. Lorsque nous oublierons un objet balisé quelque part, celui-ci se rappellera à notre bon souvenir dès que nous nous serons un peu trop éloignés. L’internet des Objets Trouvés n’est plus très loin...
Beacons, la révolution de la micro-localisation

Technology in a few words PROSEMENT SOLUTION TO SEE INDUSTRIAL, IBEACON is an indoor location system developed by Apple, based on Bluetoothbasse transmitters, at low cost, which can...

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