The Apple Watch Series 6 smartwatch has the GPS function which brings many advantages to the product. Among the features on board this Apple Watch Series 6, there is that of being able to respond to messages directly from your wrist via an always-on Retina screen, the latter being 2.5 times brighter outdoors. Comfort is total with this connected watch, which enjoys great versatility by providing you with a lot of information. Among them, you have the possibility to measure your blood oxygen level thanks to its revolutionary sensor and application. The Apple Watch Series 6 smartwatch also lets you track your daily physical activity and monitor your performance progress. Everything you do matters: running, walking, cycling, yoga, and even swimming thanks to its waterproof feature. The new Sleep app helps you set up a sleep routine and track your sleep progress over the nights. So you can set your own goals. On Rakuten, the Apple Watch Series 6 smartwatch is cheaper with the arrival of the Series 7.

Big discount on the Apple Watch Series 6 smartwatch with the release of the Series 7

In promotion on Rakuten, the Apple Watch Series 6 is at 348.98 euros instead of 429 euros via its immediate discount of -18%. With its excellent value for money, the Apple Watch Series 6 is one of the most popular connected watches of the moment. It must be said that this smartwatch has many advantages: quality screen, customization, autonomy, functionalities, versatility and design are among the main ones. These are all the arguments that allow the Apple Watch Series 6 to have excellent feedback, both from pro testers and customer reviews. Moreover, on the Rakuten marketplace, out of nearly 50 customer reviews, the Apple smartwatch has an average rating of 5 stars out of a maximum rating of 5. On Rakuten, you can find many Apple products on sale. iPad, AirPods, iMac and many other devices are cheaper on the Rakuten Marketplace.

Apple Watch Series 6 : l’offre très intéressante grâce à la Series 7

Click here to take advantage of the Apple Watch Series 6 deal on Rakuten

” Read also: explosive price drop of the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra at a well-known e-merchant

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Apple Watch Series 6: the very interesting offer thanks to the Series

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