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All The Voice France coaches have returned for Nicolas, from Verviers Un Verviétois candidate for The Voice France:

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By Vincent Arena

Culture journalist at La MeuseWednesday, February 3, 2021 - 05:04
Nicolas was spotted by the casting team to take part in the auditions. - OFFICE 233 / ITV / TF1

Saturday begins on TF1 the tenth season of the program "The Voice" in France. Among the many talents to present themselves in front of the four coaches this Saturday evening, a young 17-year-old Verviétois will defend his chances. A great first also for Nicolas Beckers, originally from Heusy. A member of the Verviers Music Conservatory, he has been taking singing lessons at the Spa Academy for over a year and a half. A few days before his appearance on the show, he gave us the very first interview of his young career.

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