The smartphone, and the mobile package that goes with it, have become essential for our daily life, not only to communicate, but also to go on the Internet or have fun.In homes, there is one for each adults but also children, as soon as they are in adolescence.So all of this has a cost.And even if the mobile plans in France are among the cheapest in Europe, it is always good to know how to reduce the bill.So, when choosing a mobile telephony subscription, it is good to have these few tips in mind.You will then be able to make the right choice and pay less for your mobile package.
The mobile telephony market is subject to fierce competition between the different operators.In addition, the mastodons of the sector, namely Orange (SOSH), SFR (Red), Bouygues Telecom and Free Mobile must take care to keep their leadership to counter the rise of MVNO (Prixtel, Cdiscount Mobile, NRJ Mobile ...).The market is very moving, with permanent promotions, every week.Between operators, it is the price war.It is to the one who will offer the maximum data at the lowest rate.With a big winner: the consumer.Because, while the operators gently make war, the prices fall.France is one of the European countries where the prices of mobile plans are among the cheapest.
So, if you want to pay the cheapest your mobile package as expensive, we advise you to regularly look at our comparator from the best mobile packages.And particularly during sales periods, at the start of the school year, during Black Friday, or during the holiday season, periods in which promotions are the most interesting.
Sur le marché de la téléphonie mobile, on vient de la dire, les promotions sont permanentes. Seulement, il y a un hic : à l'exception de RED et B&YOU, les opérateurs ne font pas d'offres promotionnelles sans prix qui change au bout d'un an. En effet, avec l'écrasante majorité des forfaits mobiles, les tarifs promotionnels sont valables pendant un an, parfois même six mois, après quoi les tarifs augmentent sensiblement et deviennent beaucoup moins intéressants. Néanmoins, pas de panique : au moment de souscrire un forfait mobile, vous avez le choix entre un forfait avec engagement ou un forfait sans engagement. La plupart des opérateurs proposent les deux gammes. Si vous souhaitez payer le moins cher possible votre abonnement de téléphonie mobile, c'est logiquement un forfait sans engagement que nous vous conseillons de choisir.
Because, with a subscription without commitment, you are free to terminate when you wish, after a month as after a year, and the breach of the contract is free.You can therefore without worry from one package on promo to another.In addition, you will be happy to learn that it is very easy to change your mobile plan: you must only get the Rio code of your mobile phone line and give it, at the time of subscription, to your new operator, whichtakes care of the rest.
In addition, the non -binding packages do not allow you to buy a new phone at a preferential rate, so they are cheaper than the packages with commitment.Choosing a package without obligation is therefore to have the assurance of paying less for your mobile package.
There are permanently more than a hundred offers available on the market for mobile plans: with or without commitment, with or without a phone, unlimited or blocked, with or without 5G, with little or a lot of data.Can you find the one that suits you?But, before making your choice, do not forget our tips to pay for it as expensive as possible.
Choisir un forfait mobileMost mobile telephony operators are also Internet access providers, that is to say that they also offer packages as Internet boxes.However, in order to make life easier for their customers but also to retain them, they offer consumers the opportunity to choose a grouped offer, who therefore combine a mobile phone subscription and an internet subscription.This is called quadruple play offers.
These offers are very practical because they allow subscribers to have a single invoice.But, that's not all, they above all save money.Indeed, for any subscription of an offer of this type, the operators grant subscribers a discount of 6 to 15 euros on the price of the mobile package.Sometimes even, and this is the case with Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom or Free, the entry -level package (with only two hours of calls, unlimited SMS/MMS and 50 to 200 MB of mobile Internet) is free.Another advantage of this type of subscriptions: the possibility of subscribing several mobile plans, for the whole family.
In general, box + mobile offers allow up to 25% savings.So this is another way, very practical in addition, to pay less for your mobile package.
The price of a mobile plan is very often conditioned on the amount of mobile internet it includes.However, every month, depending on our uses, we do not necessarily consume the same amount of data.Therefore, why pay for a service that we do not consume?Or why do you pay out of the package because you have exceeded the ceiling of your mobile internet envelope?
In recent years, a solution has existed to avoid this kind of disappointment: the adjustable package.An adjustable package is a flexible package that adapts to your data consumption.As your consumption progresses, it adjusts and evolves towards predefined levels.So, if a month, you consume less, you pay less and if the following month, if you exceed your ceiling, you pass on the next level and pay a little more.So, every month, you are sure to always pay the right price.Paying less for your mobile plan is also it.
Today, Prixtel is still the only operator to offer adjustable packages.
Contrary to what operators can sometimes make us believe, with survitamin data packages, not everyone needs a subscription with a large mobile internet envelope.The proof: according to the figures from the arcep (on June 30, 2021), mobile subscribers consume an average of 11.6 GB of Data in 4G per month.
From then on, what good is it to subscribe to a package with 50, 100 or 200 GB of data when you consume between 10 and 20 GB, even if it is on sale?It is useless, just to spend money on a service of which you do not have the usefulness.Before choosing a mobile offer, so take the time to identify your needs and do not be dazzled by breathtaking data promotions if you only need 10 or 20 GB. A 20 GB package with a small promo will beAlmost always more interesting than a 100 GB package with a big promo?
But, how do you know your data consumption?Simply by consulting your monthly invoice or by going to your customer area via the operator's app or site.
In a mobile plan, which costs the most is data.Logically, therefore, the price of a mobile package is calculated according to the quantity of data which is included in the package and that the subscriber can consume every month.In summary, the higher a package is rich in mobile data, the higher its monthly price.
To pay less for your mobile plan, you must therefore subscribe to a package with a small amount of data.For the least gourmet users in the mobile internet, it is not so much a problem.But, for others, how to do it?How to browse the Internet as much as you want from your smartphone without consuming the data of its package, or as little as possible.Quite simply by connecting to the Internet by Wi-Fi. It is of course possible to do it when you are at home, but also in many other places.Indeed, in companies, in bars, in stations, in shopping centers ... There are public Wi-Fi networks on which it is possible to connect to the Internet.You just have to think about it to save your mobile internet envelope.At least for the most greedy uses in data such as downloading new applications or watching streaming videos.
If you want to spend as little money as possible on your mobile package, less than five euros per month for example, it is possible.In mobile offers at less than € 5/month, you will sometimes find some unlimited packages on promotion but especially subscriptions with only two hours of calls, 50 to 200 MB of mobile Internet and only SMS/MMS unlimited.This is called blocked packages.This can be enough for people who have only very occasional use of their smartphone.For others, it can quickly become very insufficient.So, that we do not have the means to put more than € 5/month in your mobile telephony subscription and that paying your cheapest possible package is a necessity, how to communicate by phone with others as much asDo we want it?
Today, there are applications like WhatsApp, Facetime or Skype that allow calls (videos) via the Internet.OK, agreed.But, failing to draw from your call volume, you draw from your mobile internet envelope which is also limited.In this case, try to connect as much as possible to its applications when you are on Wi-Fi.
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