Heavy record for Analamanga.According to the latest official statistics, the Analamanga region, the main home of COVID-19 in Madagascar has a thousand 5,491 cases of contamination.19 of the 22 regions and 48 districts on the 119 existing districts are affected by the epidemic.
After the Analamanga region, the Atsinanana region is the second home in COVID-19 with 841 cases registered, then come the Alaotra-Mangoro 212 positive case, the Analanjirofo region with 104 contaminated people.
Since March 19, the date of discovery of the first three cases of coronavirus in the large island, seven thousand forty-seven (7,047) people contaminated by viral disease have been identified with 59 dead.An assessment probably undervalued as in many countries of the world.Indeed, the data only takes into account the case of positive diagnosed persons following a screening test and do not integrate the victims who died at home.
Below the distribution of COVVI-19 contamination of the nineteen regions according to their rank:
With the disturbing rise in contamination in the regions, ministers were sent on the ground.The Minister of the Interior, Tianarivelo Razafimahefa and the Minister of Communication, Lalatiana Andiatongarivo, are on the move in the Vakinankaratra region.The Minister of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Voahary Rakotovelomantsoa, and Gisèle Ramampy, Minister of Labor in the regions of Anosy and Androy,
The Secretary General of the Ministry of Public Health, Professor Gaëtan Duval Solomalala, also announced yesterday that drugs and inputs necessary for the treatment of coronavirus patients were sent by plane to 9 regions affected by the COVID-19, the weeklast.Vatovavy Fitovinany, Anosy, Androy, Atsimo Atsinananananana, Sava, Boeny, Menabe, and Atsimo Andrefana, regions have benefited from drugs, personal protective equipment and disinfectants.
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